Source Code

other dictionaries

Bad, don't use them.

Other person: Hey can I use the other dictionaries please.
You: No. Urban is best.

by KILL ME PLEASE, NOW August 3, 2017

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unurban dictionary

unurban dictionary is a dictionary for urban dictionary rejected words

John: I got my word for "Banh Bao" rejected by urban dictionary
Joe: You should submit all those rejected words to unurban dictionary at unurbandictionary.comule.com
John: I think I will, thanks Joe!

by unurbandictionary.comule.com December 3, 2013

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Urban dictionary

This site.

I use Urban dictionary to HAVE SOME FUNN!!

by YOU UTTER FOOL! March 15, 2021

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Urban Dictionary

Urban dictionary is a unskinny website that didn’t allow expoxsed definition on that website.

Bri-“Omg you know that website urban dictionary”
Addi-“Yeah, why”
Bri-“They didn’t allow @expoxsed definition to be on there”
Addi-“holy fuck really that’s so unskinny of them”
*both drive urban dictionary to kill them self bc they were unskinnified*

by expoxsedtookmynair September 15, 2018

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Urban Dictionary

A website without which the vocabularies of teenagers would be much better off.. And polluted.

That dude checked out the meaning of 'Love' on UD!! WTH!

Her homepage is Urban dictionary. She thinks it's the new Google

Urban dictionary spams your inbox.

by iHEARTShiaLaBeouf September 28, 2010

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Urban Dictionary

A site made because of the joint venture between the Kyles and the Florida mans.

Urban Dictionary is sus

by watrulookingm8 October 8, 2020

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urban dictionarying

(v.) to spend hours and hours on end just pressing the random button on urbandictionary.com in the hopes to find words that will completely confuse your friends tomorrow

I heard he was urban dictionarying all night last night, I literally have no idea what he is saying anymore.

by NEVINOWNSU February 24, 2009

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