K: "L. Jackson is like an elf, y'know?"
R: "Yeah, she's an (e)vil (l)ittle (f)ucker!"
J: "...I can't gainsay any of that last sentence; you may have hit the nail on the head there..."
A Chinese midget that is forced to work with a fat fuck in his factory to make toys and other shenanigans.
-yo dude look at the elf
-awesome, I wonder if it will give me a Huawei for Christmas
Stands for evil little fucker.
*someone does something to annoy you, or does something sly or evil*
Man, you're an elf.
*Child pisses you off...
Child: Mummy can I have , give me, I want...
Mummy: Shut up ya elf.
To be incredibly short and have jerk friends who keep mentioning jokes about you escaping the North Pole. Your ussally able to fit in garbage cans,recycle bins.
the movie elf that is over played at Christmas
The long haired bad ass bow men from lord of the rings
Brandon is such a elf
Why do play elf so much
Elves are way better than dwarves
Number eleven in german.
Ich bin elf Jahre alt = I am eleven years old.
ELF or elf - short form/acronym used in text and social media posts to stand in for “ever-living fuck”, an amplification of the more common “af” and “wtf” acronyms. The “af” form can be altered thusly: aelf. The “wtf” like so: wtelf.
What the elf is this??? Why in the elf are there so many definitions for Santorum? That is confusing aelf.
someone who lives in Estonia or is ethnically Estonian
person 1: that guy over there is super short and has pointy ears. he looks like an elf
person 2: that's because he's estonian