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Final Fuck

When someone is in a long distance relationship and they have to leave to go home but get one last sexy time in, usually making them leave much later than originally planned.

"I was supposed to be back home at 8:30 for my 9 o'clock shift, but I had to get in my final fuck with John, so I was late for work."

by Em1616 October 19, 2015

Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy is a series of totally AWESOME video games. There have been many Final Fantasy games, and most of them have been HUGE hits, though some have been complete wastes of time and money, such as Final Fantasy Tactics And Tactics A2.

Speaker 1: "What's Final Fantasy?"
Speaker 2: "It's pure AWESOMNESS!"

by FinalFantasyFreak April 1, 2009

final fantasy

An RPG (Role Play Game) series created by Squaresoft/Square Enix/Square. It was named Final Fantasy because as it was supposed to be Square's final game, but because of its huge success, they carried on to make more RPGs. Final Fantasy started as a nes game (nintendo) but Final Fantasy VII was released on the PSX. Many people who know what FF is, know of it from FF VII and later titles, as the earlier releases were not on the PSX and also not as succesfull.

Final Fantasy VII and VIII are the best RPGs ever, however if you want something a bit more exciting, go play an online RPG (ORPG/MORPG/MMORPG)such as ROSE or Ragnarok Online

by Rich Seeley iPhoenix August 21, 2005

Chumash final

A horrific event occuring 1-2 times a year thrust upon unwilling, dejected students.

:Child refusing to eat broccili:
Mother- "Either you eat these vegetables or I'll make you take the dreadful Chumash final with your sister!"
:Child cleans plate quickly and asks for more:

by FDRoss June 2, 2011

Final Fantasy

A confusing game which everyone loves and has a series of 12+games which was released back around 1980s which started off in the far east.
Final fantasy is just like pokemon but instead off hit kos it has something called limit beaks.

Person 1:lets play final fantasy.....

person 2:i dont understand this shit who the fucks squall?

Person 1:idk fuck it lets play pokemon.

by i like rune pie May 23, 2007

Final Mission

The Final Mission is the day the world or the contry is taken over by a force stronger than ourselves and its every man for himself. The Apocolypse. The day the world ends is the most likely senerio. The world will go to shit and there will be looting, rapeing, murders, and pure anarchy all over the globe. With any luck this will be the rapture as told in the book of revalations in the Holy Bible where all the good holesome people wil dissapear and be whisked off to heaven while the sinners will be left to fend for themselves in a world of pain and suffering. There will likely be deamons and a whole slew of undead zombies wandering the earth at this time, something like the on the movie "Dawn of the Dead". If you are like me, you will probably be stuck here to fight off these hellish creatures with what little firepower you have stockpiled (ie. Resident Evil". Our only hope is to kill everything that moves and try to get someplace where we can live as long as possible. There have been quite a few movies and games about this topic and this author can oly speculate about their relivance to our lives.

If you havent seen them watch the movies "Dawn of the Dead" "28 Days Later" "Resident Evil" "12 Monkeys" or play the games "Resident Evil" "Doom 3"

Guy 1: "Where are all the people at in this town?
Guy 2: "I dunno, weird, its like everyone dissapeared. Wait whats that in the bushes?"
Guy 1: "It looks like a zombie or somtehing!?"

by Bussy March 9, 2006

Final Destination

Final Destination is a disc where two space foxes normally fight on, talk shit and shine


by big ni🅱🅱a January 20, 2019