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Get that dick out of your mouth

When someone says something so stupid/ ignorant, you ask them to please remove that dick from their mouth because they arent making sense.

Trevor= Michael Jordan sucks at basketball, Lebron is the greatest!

Me= Man!!!! SHUT UP! get that dick out of your mouth, you aint making any sense!

by youngandfree July 14, 2013

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Getting the oxen out of my bed

An excuse to get someone to shut up.

"Hey how was your day?"
"Sorry, I'm getting the oxen out of my bed."
"Oh, alright."

by boopsnoop August 7, 2021

Getting your nuts out of the pond

Getting your nuts out of the pond refers to the act of losing your virginity or having sexual intercorse. This phrase is typically used by sexually active men in an attempt to frustrate and mess with younger men.

Gino: Now that you transferred out of that all-boys school, you need to talk to chicks and start getting your nuts out of the pond.

Jake: Ok! I know! Leave me alone.

by ScepticalSapien August 26, 2021

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Get the thumb out of your vagina

It's what you tell someone when they are acting whiny, bitchy, or are taking something way too serious.

"That's not even something to joke about..."

"Oh, get the thumb out of your vagina."

by Anonymous013 February 25, 2009

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get the fuck out of the break room

to leave an area or place while referring to the place as the "break room"

We were all at the mall, when he said "Hey guys, wanna get the fuck out of the break room?"

by Lemonius October 18, 2010

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get your head out of your ass

If someone tells you to "Get your head out of your ass," it means that you have to start paying more attention to what's going on around you. It could also mean that you have to stop being so consumed with yourself, and your own well being, stop being so conceited.

John: I am so good at painting, I must be like Michelangelo!

Matt: Get your head out of your ass, John!

Jack: (Runs into someone at store, cause he's texting)

Man: Get your head out of your ass, and start paying more attention!

by cowboymatt1 October 24, 2014

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Get Your Thumb Out of Your Ass

...And help, you lazy fuck!

Getting your thumb out of your ass means to stop wasting time doing nothing when you've got shit to do.

"Ugh, I hate English. It's so boring!"
"Yeah, well this is a Group Project, so you're not the only one one whose neck is on the line. So get your thumb out of your ass and help, you lazy fuck!"

by A Lazy Fuck May 1, 2010

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