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Dartford Grammar School

Commonly referred to as DGS.

Living hell. The definition of an exam factory and the headmaster is obsessed with Japan (fucking weeb). They use every chance they get to steal your money and the students there live an unbelievably sad life of daily homework and excessive revision. The teachers take it as their number 1 objective to stop you from having fun and their word is always taken over the students. They love to interfere with your already depressing life at whatever chance they get. The teachers act posh when in reality they’re sad weirdos that drive home in their fords every night thinking of the next way to make their students miserable. The teachers have access to all your information at any given time and if a teacher feels like being a prick they can add a note with a false description on you that is reflected system-wise and is therefore used to judge you by other teacher’s. Their computer security is fucking shambolic and some teachers are so nosy with the 24/7 intent to inflict misery upon you. They take pride in useless waffle and telling you their shit stories. The teachers are absolutely jobless. The school is technically a prison, you’re trapped in it, no phones, certain haircuts, forced uniforms, forced equipment and certain obligations. The students do NOT enjoy it here. If you want your child to grow up being a fucking neek that nobody likes then DGS is the place for him. You’re forced to learn some shit languages (japanese and chinese) from year 7.

Ayyo wys g, what school do you go now?
Oh I go Dartford Grammar School now
Yooo I’ve heard that place is absolutely fucking shit, they make you do that shit white sport ennit?
Yh they make us do rugby and trust me the school is so fucking bad

Ahh thats a bit peak for you styll 🤣

by dgs is shit November 29, 2019

56👍 8👎

Maidstone Grammar School

Mostly full of gay boys. All of them are road men or gamers that haven’t heard of hygiene. Head teacher looks like an absolute nonce. Mainly short boys that don’t know how to shut the absolute fuck up.

“Shit I have to go to Maidstone grammar school now!”
“Make sure you don’t get ur balls slapped by the nonce!”

by Anonymous1237 February 8, 2021

17👍 2👎

Royal Grammar School

A school full of wannabe roadman like faris, who brag about linking people when they’ve only talked once

“Hey how’s it going with so and so...”

Royal Grammar School fella:”Oh we talked once I think we’re linking now”

by The OG Oof June 22, 2018

16👍 2👎

Progressive grammar

rogressive grammar consists of the following:
Using Tahoma, Century Gothic, or Arial as your font instead of Times New Roman.
Using the ampersand '&' instead of typing the word 'and'.
Using numbers as numbers & not spelling them out as words, ex. instead of typing the word 'three' you type the character '3'.
Using the percent symbol '%' instead of typing out the word 'percent'.

This type of grammar fits pretty much every definition of progressive. It saves time & resources & it's easier to read than traditional grammar.

But society is against progressive grammar because it's considered to be incorrect & most people grew up being forced to use traditional grammar. College professors are the strongest opponents of progressive grammar. They would much rather have a stupid asshole in their class that uses traditional grammar than a genius that is progressive with their grammar.

Progressive grammar saves time & money.

Why cant society start using progressive grammar?
That would make everything shorter & nicer looking.

by SlashinatorX October 26, 2011

2👍 9👎

Dartford Grammar School

Absolute shitshow of a school, the staff don't care about the students they only care about the results, it truly is an exam factory. The teachers just waffle in the assemblies making the students a whole century late to their lesson. Almost all of the teachers act so posh and have a go at students for no reason, this school is filled with neeks clowns most of the students should join the circus at this rate.

Student:I go to Dartford Grammar School
Boy:Oh what is like?
Student:Fucking shambles of a school filled with shit teachers.

by AbsoluteNoLifer November 25, 2019

22👍 4👎

Knox grammar school

A expensive school for rich idiots and pretentious dickheads who constantly get their way and believe that all girls are madly in love with them. The school allows the really rich accidental children to live there as rich boarders who think they are amazing and more important than the rest of the school. They also think they are "savage" and watch the Paul brothers and Dolan twins.

Expectation: "Oh, how everyone loves me because I am a savage and so cool #1000followers
Reality: Damn those bloody Knox grammar school boys like GODDAMN! Your not cool!

by Sad introvert September 4, 2017

23👍 4👎

Geelong Grammar School

the most expensive private school in australia. It may seem like an elite school, but in reality it has very poor VCE results and many of the students have sub par grades. Also the subject of a Royal Commision into child abuse and is a massive waste of money.

person 1: yo i go to geelong grammar school
person 2: ewww druggie

by xSRGman July 22, 2020

15👍 2👎