A phrase commonly said by underage males after they have intercourse for he first time and are told that their penis was of small size
Person 1:When I Grow Up
Person 2:Dude Shut Up You Just Have A Small Dick
A song made by Musical Artist NF from the album"The Search"
"When I Grow Up" - NF
Telling somebody to man the fuck up in the situation that they seem to act girly.
"John stop being a fucking loser and grow a pair!"
The best part of growing up in Chicago.
Interviewer: Best part of growing up in Chicago?
Johnny (uhhhh face): uhhhhh... Growing up in Chicago 😬
a fruit punch liquid that is made in good 2 grow
When one's arm hair stands on end when they are cold giving the appearance of wearing a wool sweater.
Tommy: Dude are you cold or something?
Jim: Yeah man! Look, I'm totally growing a sweater.