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The Harley DavidSin

When you fuck a girl with pigtails, from the back, and pull her hair back and pull up on her pigtails with your hands to mimic the shape of the Harley Davidson handlebars. She will also queef violently which is where the name comes from, because it sounds like the rev of a mean Harley.

"Bro last night i gave my girl The Harley DavidSin and the cops came for a noise complaint"
"damn yall fucked too loud?"
"Nah they thought she was a motorcycle"

by HungLikeAnEmoKid April 1, 2024

harley benton

Can be a bit hit-and-miss at times, but can make great stuff.

Harley Benton does make some metal machines, especially ones with EMGs. James Hetfield style.

by 7568ino February 23, 2024

Harley Paddison

Fit and really good looking! Got a big dick and is great in bed! Really funny, can be cute but is a very cuddly person no matter how hard he makes himself out to be. Caring and loveable.

“Is that Harley Paddison?! He is fittttt”

“I was with Harley Paddisonlast night and oh my god he gave me a good time! His dicks massive!”

by FoodIsBae03 January 29, 2018

Harley Dack

This guy likes malaika and loves her fresh smell cheese.....he gets boners of his cousins especially his likkle ones ayyyyyy

yo yanno Harley Dack
he likes little kids

by Samir Jizzzz July 19, 2019

Harley Bil

a small angry man who is usually heard from a lower point,

no one:

no one at all:
Harley Bil : (from a smaller perspective) fuck off you square-eyed cunt

by yo-yodude November 18, 2019

harleys cock

the biggest one on the earth

scarl things harleys cock is huge!

by davedingle111 May 17, 2021


When you tie your saggy nutsac to the spokes of a motorcycle and have a freind do a burnout because it's the only way you can get off anymore.

Did you hear about Charlie? He's resorted to practicing the Harley Barth!

by Foreskin Jenkins August 15, 2021