Extreme diarrhea from eating chocolate with something else typically something that would cause it.
Tman crapped his shoes when he got the Hershey gushers
likes to work around the anus of another person.
A gay fellow.
Jim got a reputation in his fraternity for being a real hershey highway henchman
When you eat far too many Hershey's Kisses in a single sitting.
Jim: You don't look so good.
Dave: Yeah man. I bought a bunch of chocolate and had a hershey makeout sesh last night. My stomach is killing me
when you pop a viagra, take a crap in someones mouth then stur it with your dick.
I'm gonna hershey churn you in your sleep!
The definitive chocolate brand. If you had to look this up, you are VERY stupid.
I could REALLY go for some Hershey’s right now.
The school where everyone knows everyone. Rumors, Lies, and things spread faster than flies to shit. People Are evil and not your friends. House parents cant cook for nothing. and the admin cant think for nothing.
milton hershey high school the sweetest place on earth
One who tosses a salad and eats the dressing. They lick people's unclean butt holes.
Sarah is a Hershey slurper. She licks buttholes and most aren't wiped.