A world in the game of Runescape, filled with most of the games failures, tools, shit heads, and wannabes. Most of the players who play in this world think they are A) Good at something B) Famous C) Cool, when they really aren't. Sometimes referred to as "58ers" but really known as "58 scum".
Joe: Dude, I heard you went to world 58 today, how'd it go?
Austin: So many faggots, it wasn't even funny.
30👍 9👎
A term refering to "Around the world". The only difference is the spelling. The origin of this alternative spelling came from people too lazy to say the "A" in "around".
Around the world means to engage in oral, vaginal, and anal sex in any order during the course of intercourse.
She's such a ho'. She went 'round the world with Phil on the first date.
184👍 78👎
a toxic game with a bunch of rigged gamedays hahaha im soooooo not mad over 2v2s...... also I beat rand0m like 59 times with KQ hes super trash with every spec/stand
"ez. ez? skil isue skill isuee LOL ts ts dude your so trash imagine using same combo everytime omg dude, stop playing a bizarre world and just play yba piece of shit!! ok imma go jack off to evil bbye" - jay 20202002
When you enter a relationship, you enter a new phase of life: Nights on the couch, gazing dreamily into your lover's eyes. Moonlit walks on the beach. Ravenous consumption of rocky road. Twenty pounds. Brunches. Love handles. Acne. Baby showers. Elastic waist pants. Alas, before you know it, your dream of relationship bliss has become a new reality: Tubs World.
Brah: "Hey brah. You surfing Saturday?
Boyfriend: "No. Lila and I are going to the farmers market and Home Depot."
Brah: (blank stare)
Boyfriend: "Tubs world."
World domination is something that will soon be achieved by the ABC squad this new world order will have complete control, It will punish all criminals to Australia were they will be forced to dig a trench anyone deemed a criminal by the ABC squad will go the the left side of Australia were they will live the rest of there lifes all the radical ppl will also be labeled as criminals and then be sent to Australia as well, along with this there is a lot more but to put in summary earth will soon become a utopia all of the details and the entire plan will soon be published on the internet under the label "ABC squad world domination"
peson 1: thank you masters for providing us a utopia with your world domination
ABC squad: you are very welcome
In real world, my eyes (were) are set on you
In real world, I see the childish side of you
In real world, I climbed over hills to find you..
Despite the dangers in the forest.. awaited
Despite the consequences I calculated..
Despite the heat and...rain..
Despite being soaking wet and having freezing hands..
Coleagues asked why I went out under the rain to get wet like this
Never once they understood I was willing to get sick because of someone I (missed) miss
Just for a very short moment of looking at him from behind, from across the auditorium.
Looking at him smiled and played drums.. (I pity the table......)
Looking at him when he spoke.
Looking at him when he fixed his hair
Looking at him when he turned around to try to find you.
So many many more .
The disadvantage of having good memory is that you remember.
8/2 "I brought this for you." Shoulder
The day I sat behind you..
The day you turned aside and wanted me to look deep into that beautiful eyes. «If you could see my eyes, then you would understand»
In real world, I trried.
by The Gardener in Fairy Tales January 14, 2022
A popular YouTuber from America.
She has around 5k and makes videos targeted at tweens and teens. She uploads every Sunday and earns many subscribers.
I can’t wait to watch my favorite channel ever Haylei’s World