Source Code

zero times infinity

1. Something nonlogical, undefined, nonsense.
1-1. Something that seems like the above.

2. Something that doesn`t exist.

3. Something frustrating to calculate.

Guy a: Did you hear The Whore is going out with Jason?
Guy b: What! That`s like zero times infinity! Why would he...

Guy a: I`m raising a pet dinosaur.
Guy b: You fucking liar. I know dinosaurs are zero times infinity!

Calculate the limit of (1/x) x when x goes to infinity.

by Jekr December 10, 2018

Infinity Snap

When the "Z-snap" is just not enough, the infinity snap is used. The infinity snap represents infinite amounts of sass,and the user only ceases to snap after the sassy moment has passed. The formation is that of a sideways infinity sign, or an 8. To infinity snap properly, a person snaps in what will soon be the top right of the formation, arks to the right and diagonally down left, snaps again, and arcs back to the right and up diagonally to the top left, where you snap again. You must continue the motion until the sassy moment has passed, or infinitely, if you have that much sass.

You must be feeling extremely sassy if you're using that infinity snap!

by chrissysadragon September 6, 2013

Rule infinity

the final rule when a person becomes a god/ a leader of all exsictance

it will grant you power beyond reasoning and can only be used once

if used by humans the individual who has used it shall be erazed from exsistance immediately

human: rule infinity *poof*

god: rule infinity

rule infinity: *listens*

god: give me pepsi

god 2:rule infinity

rule infinity: *listens*

god 2: literally destroy all exsistance


by Quality_Seal August 11, 2018

Rule infinity

If there is a number that has no rule you have to make a rule for it

22222222222 has no Rule, now i have to make because of Rule infinity

by Liriliththeboy September 20, 2020

The infinity condom

A condom that can be used an infinite number of times without breaking

Guy 1: Dude I've already become a father of 14
Guy 2: Oh I always keep the infinity condom so I'm a father of 0
Guy 1: Dang your lucky you don't have to pay child support

by ThatTF2Scout_Thatsbeenkillingu January 3, 2023

infinity knives

When you don't have a comeback.

Oh, you're gonna fuck my mom tonight?! Then I'll get you with infinity knives!

by InfinityKnivesTurtlePenis May 27, 2017

Infinity Nap

When you die

I'm miserable, and I can't wait until my life is over so I can take an infinity nap.

by Eustace November 20, 2013