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isaac lahey

A beta werewolf on Teen Wolf played by Daniel Sharman, Isaac is known for his love of scarves, his intense cheekbones, his abusive childhood, and his werewolf mood swings. He was in a relationship with Alison Argent before she was killed by the Nogitsune and he later went to France with her father, Christopher Argent, and is possibly lost because Chris is back and there has been no mention of Isaac. So, yeah, Chris lost him.

A random person watching Teen Wolf: "Hey, where's Isaac Lahey? Wasn't he in France too? Chris, what happened?"

by Saimese November 7, 2017

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Isaac Stomp

The incredible stomping power that Isaac Clarke, protagonist of the Dead Space franchise, uses when he is in a bind. His stomp is so powerful it can literally dismember arms, legs, and a head away from a human body.

Isaac Clarke: "Just in case an Infector is hiding within this room somewhere, I'll go ahead and stomp on this dead body."
*stomps on dead body to dismember the arms and legs*
"There. Now I feel safe!"

Kourtney: "If my ex makes even one attempt at crawling back to me, I'll Isaac Stomp him until there's nothing left!"

by Jimbabwe1988 February 6, 2011

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Oscar Isaac

The ultimate definition of dilf.

Oh, man Oscar Isaac is the daddiest of all
Oscar Isaac got me twirling my hair and shit!!!!

by Just another gay teenager April 26, 2022

Isaac Foster

Isaac Foster is a murderer who only ever kills smiling people. He meets Rachel Gardener in an underground prison-like thing and they have to escape. He is from the anime Angels of Death.

Isaac Foster is a murderer who also is super sweet.

by KazuichiSoda October 25, 2020

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Isaac Washington

Best motherfucker of all time from

The House of the Dead: Overkill

He's the best character in the whole game, similar to Samuel L. Jackson.

He loves calling Agent G. with improvised names as : Agent Gwendolyn,Agent Genius etc...

He was in love with Varla Guns.

Motherfuck! What does a brother have to do to pacify a bitch? I'm telling you G, I've tried everything! God be my witness! I have shown respect, charm, under-fucking-standing! But that is the last fucking straw!

-Agent G.

Ladies and gentlemen, the infinite tact of Isaac Washington. You do... Truly you do, use your tongue better than a... a $30 hooker. Can I say from the bottom of my heart... You truly are a shining example to us all... Humanity I mean...


Don't make me hit you again! "

"No finger-fuckin way man!"
"Man, procedure can kiss my ass!"

"Agent G : "AMS agent! Put your hands in the air!"
Isaac : "ALL of them, if you would be so motherfucking kind!" "

"The bitch is ringing!"

by MythBustersFan August 19, 2009

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stella and isaac

The cutest couple on earth. They are both flirtatious ones in the friend group but they always come back together in the end because they love each other that much. Stella's the boss but Isaac doesn't mind... as long as he gets to hold her feet and love her like he always does!

Stella and Isaac are the flirts in your friend group but they'll end up together.

by sexy.beasts.and.salad March 9, 2017

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oscar isaac

oscar isaac is a very very hot man I want to marry him he is the sweetest looking man.

oscar isaac Is daddy

by bvckysgay April 20, 2022

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