A proverbial delivery device that delivers a accelerated increase of weight causing the victim to carry an expression of surprise regarding thier morbid obesity.
I talked to that girl Shelby last week, She used to be straight smoking. Now she looks like she got hit with a Gravy Dart. She's bigger than a yer Ma!
Gravy Sweater, N. (Grey-vee swë tur) One who sweats gravy from the vajieen
That misrable cow was such a corpulant tragedy that were you brave enough to venture forth betwixt her undulating thighs and pendulus belly you would discover such a slovenly unkempt quagmire of hairy smegmated folds that the mucosal excreations we're remeniscent of brown gravy one could only describe the horrific seen as being a Gravy Sweater.
When one ejaculates on the rear end of their partner and then proceeds to spank their rear end forgetting that they had ejaculated on it. In turn, spankin' gravy.
I can't believe I spanked my gravy last night!
We should spank some gravy tonight!
I'll definitely be spankin' gravy tonight.
Have you ever spanked gravy?
When are you going to let me spank my gravy?
I accidentally just spanked my gravy!
I can't believe mom didn't hear us spankin gravy last night!
I got that bitch looking like Slimer, with my ghost gravy all up on her.
A fart that is released with the expectation of being a pure gaseous expulsion, but ends up unexpectedly moist and leaks a wet, sticky viscous into the ass crack and gusset of the underwear.
I was sitting at my desk and tried to squeeze one off without anyone noticing but ended up with a gravy scooter. Had to get to the shitter to wipe before it soaked through my new sansabelt slacks.
Hun did you eat at Taco Bell again? Why? Well your laundry has a pair of underwear that looks like there’s been a gravy scooter.
My new pantyhose were soaked from that coffee induced gravy scooter.
A euphemism for vagina created primarily to name lady parts in historical romance novels.
Lavender Brinley quivered in anticipation as Barnabus thrust his throbbing member deep into her hot, wet, pulsating gravy bucket.