in Nigerian (ibo)precious jewel or most beautiful girl in the world cute funny unresistible
oh look its ivie the absolute flipping pleb
He is cool NiCE gUy. he is a meme lord also. he a gOOd fRiENd! 💓👺
Conner Ivie is so awesome!
A girl that that gives a blow job to non manscaped penis.
I haven't trimmed in months but she still sucked me off, she's a real ivy crawler!
A dark, weird, but yet intelligent girl that gets obsessed with music and people. She has many personalities but dark and shy are her top two. She may be going through depressing times and to express that she might wear black clothes and makeup.
Do you see that girl, she is very gothic, she must be a Ivy Brock.
The act of being cutoff, or terminated prior to your official termination leaving you unable to finish projects and transfer work to another teammate.
I was Ivied and was unable to finish off-boarding actives.
I was Ivied by an idiot in a BMW.
Guy:Who is that sexy girl?
A mason:that is my girlfriend, sexy ivy