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june 3rd

Ok, if you or your friends birthday you have the best or have the best friend ever! Stick by them and care for them if they are sad because they will probably be famous one day

OMG you're birthday is JUNE 3RD?! Please be my friend!

by qazismelol February 26, 2021

june 7

june 7th is the national kiss a friend day.
it's the day were you kiss all your homies and friends

homie1: ayo iss june 7th you know what means?
homie2: yessir we gon kiss

by thipi April 18, 2021

June 27

National kiss your crush day!

john: kiss me
crush: ew no
john: its National kiss your crush day - June 27!
crush: in that case...

by June 27 June 26, 2021

June 8th

National slap a bitch day. If you know a bitch, you are welcome to go up to them and slap them this day.

Heather: Hey Karen, did you know itโ€™s June 8th?
Heather slaps Karen
Karen: Why would you do that?
Heather: Itโ€™s national bitch day!

by MyDadGay October 26, 2019

34๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

June 1st

June 1st is kazoo at homophobic people.

Homophobic Person: โ€œI donโ€™t think gay people should have the right to marry, itโ€™s just not right. The bible says-โ€œ

Everyone else on June 1st: *angry loud kazooing noises*

by y is it so hard 2 find a namw December 11, 2019

35๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

June 4

An absolute dumbass of a person. Usually pretty funny but also a complete and utter idiot. Some of the best people to be around but beware of unlucky times. Also beautiful as fuck

Aw man, heโ€™s born on the 4th of June? Here we go..

Hey you mind if I bring a friend over? Heโ€™s born on June 4 so this should be fun.

by ThatOneDude26198 October 15, 2019

201๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

June 8th

June 8th is the day a beautiful girl/boy was born.If u know anyone who was born on this day than ur lucky.

Makeyla: โ€œmy cousin was born on June 8th and Iโ€™m really lucky to be related to her cus she is the best.โ€

by Kwbxiwodbdukw November 7, 2019

28๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž