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Kiwi- a song written by Harry styles which is an abbreviation for Kendal I wasn’t interested

Kiwi- Kendal I wasn’t interested (and never will be)

by Harry tomlinstyle October 11, 2020


A country so devoted to soccer that all of its economy revolves around it.

That country's is a kiwi

by Sirjacer January 30, 2020


One of the best songs on Harry styles album ‘Harry styles’ if you ever need to jump about with no worries just put on kiwi.

‘Yo I’m feeling a bit down today you know? Not feeling that energetic.’
‘Here let me put on kiwi

by Lovelykdly123 June 30, 2019


kiwi is a discord user who is best known for being a admin in yttdarmy discord. kiwi is a very cool admin and so amazing

Oh, thats Kiwi?? Kiwi is so cool!!

by EctoBiologist96 July 3, 2021


a small furry brown fruit with a green and sour edible part.

This kiwi is delicious!

by flamepetal October 3, 2020


male dog balls

look at dexters kiwis

by rjdicnwid February 8, 2018


An Irish slang term for thanks

person 1: You're so pretty!!

person 2: kiwi 🥝 xx

by lovinqpanic November 24, 2019