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Levi Mation

Levi Mation is a caring friend who makes top quality videos for his wonderful audience. No one can dislike him as he is a speical person and is friendly to everyone. He is a gift from the Easter Bunny and ceeday.

I have a best friend called Levi Mation and he makes amazing videos

by levis biggest fan March 6, 2019

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Miss Levi

A rather attractive female with a nice "ass to breast" ratio, nice body shape, all around tempting and sexy.

Damn, Miss Levi! Can I getcha number??! ;)

by theoneperson March 30, 2011

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levi bicknell

a small mammal, often spotted in the depths of the largely male populated 'KoKos' distinctive features include, shortness in height, largeness in breast and a immeasurable want for 'cock!' this force of nature can sometimes be confused for a leprechaun or smurf, however if you insult her or her close following of minions she will give you the 'one bomb' a unique fighting technique developed in the ghetto of lillington. mothers should lock up there sons and possibly husbands, nephews, fathers, and any other penis related organism they wish to keep. a true Bicknell through and through.... mating call of the infamous levi- 'tell that girl her pum pums huge'

tell that girl her pum pums huge
o wait is that a smurf.... nope thats a levi bicknell

by sazz2010 October 4, 2010

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levi is gay

Levi, the gayest of gayest.
He the lord of witte and rooie luizen in his haren

Why is everyone laughing with this Levi kid ?

Because Levi is gay

by Looyen leefi April 3, 2017

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Levi Thompson

Just some kid that looks like a guinea pig and is always bullied by his peers, family and his own teachers.

Levi Thompson you are a flop.

by Jesus Christ Reborn 69 May 29, 2020

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Levi Clayton

The Crazy Mexican of Clintwood, Virginia

Levi Clayton is the Craziest Mexican ever

by Levi Clayton November 24, 2006

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Eugene Levy

A state of being similar to the father of Jim Levenstein (Jason Biggs) from the film series American Pie.

It is a state in which one is concerned, proud, and at the same time slightly disgusted from an act done by a friend.

Buddy: I got so lucky last night.
Friend: Oh yeah, you hooked up with that one girl you just met.
Buddy: Yeah dude, I dug into her all night. Think she woke some people up!
Friend: I feel a bit Eugene Levy right now....

by Lando Prescock January 3, 2012

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