Source Code


Chaim's Chevy Bolt EV also known as lexi

I drove in the Mooger-mobile today

by betzok March 17, 2021

Mobile commando

Going mobile (possibly with several mobile devices) but not bringing a recharger.

Sorry to take so long to respond--I went mobile commando on vacation last week.

by CletusVD June 3, 2013

Mobile Italian

When your partner cums on a pizza and you eat it while you drive

"hey Tony, are you going to meet us at the restaurant today?*

"Yeah, but I'm going to be late because my girl made me a mobile Italian today so I won't be ordering anything"

by AP0TH30SIS August 17, 2021

Mobile Device

A portable, handheld 'communication' device (also called a cell phone) - although it is rarely used to actually communicate.
Most commonly used for: texting, sexting, social media posts, check the time, taking selfies or other pics of interest, check the temperature, get directions, track your significant other, write yourself a reminder, check your email, flashlight to get your carrkey in the hole, look up word meanings ie Urban dictionary, see your bank balance, transfer a few bucks to your friend for t
paying your bar tab, ordering UberEats delivery, summoning a Lyft ride, personal calendar, playing games such as Candy Crush while waiting for your friend to pump gas, shopping at Amazon, eBay,Wish, etc....

Jones: "1 checked my mobile device, he's foty minutes late"
Jones' girl: "yeah, he's on Hammer Time.

Betty: "wya?"
Bill: "IDK - I better GPS datshit on my mobile device."

Girl 1: "are you seriously taking a pic of that blank wall with your mobile device?"
Girl 2: "no, hehehe. It's a selfie shot"
(Girl 3 jumps in and photo bombs)

by 2econdly August 9, 2020

Mint mobile

One of the cheapest and best options when it comes to phone providers if you don't want to have a monthly payment and instead want to pay ahead of time.

I just switched from tracphone to Mint Mobile and it's surprisingly better.

by LizardInACan October 21, 2021

mint mobile

The phone provider with a mascot that has more than 8 rule34 results, and 8 results too many

Mint Mobile User: wow I just got Mint Mobile
their furry artist friend: yeah I like it too but we can talk about that later

by xruser January 6, 2022

mint mobile

The preferred mobile provider of child pornographers nationwide.

Did you hear that Jerry Sandusky and Jared Fogle both used Mint Mobile to send kiddie porn?

by Burns August 7, 2021