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There are two contexts in which this word can be used, the first being the racist context, the second being the specified context.

Racist: A racist would use this word to describe any and all persons of African decent, reguardless of social status, income or religion.

Specific: Someone using this word in the specified sense believes that there are good and bad people of every race... that there is a difference between a black person and a nigger. (Black person: hard working honest contributing citizen. Nigger: Some scum bag that is perfectly healthy, however, sits at home all day collecting my tax dollars via welfare, and uses the money that he/she gets to buy luxury items such as a ridiculous gold chain with a medalion the size of a manhole cover, or, like the "niggers" where I come from, use this welfare money to buy crack on a day to day basis, instead of getting a fucking job and making an honest living.

Not so much an example, but a personal view...

Every race has its scum... including whites.. I dont feel that someone should be labeled a racist because they use the word nigger (spic, chink, etc.) to define the scum bags in their area, as long as they dont generalize entire races.

Also, people that use the word nigger to describe these scum bags also shouldnt be considered racists for this fact also...: if i had a dime for every time i heard a bunch of "niggers" (no not black people that contribute to society) calling eachother niggers, IE: "yo my nigga"... I would be filthy fucking rich. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN "NIGGA AND NIGGER"!!!!!! If those sorry ass individuals dont want to be called niggers they need to stop selling dope, stop collecting my tax dollars, and get fucking jobs... theres no reason for it... it is the niggers, spics, chinks, and white trash alike that is bringing this country down.
thank you.

by Keither August 17, 2006

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A black man who believes himself to be crunk, gangsta, or pimp. these "niggers" can be found calling others "nigger". sometimes they might even call white people "nigger". but, the white man is under no circumstance to call a nigger a "nigger", under penalty of rape, murder, or burgaflickle.

you gay, nigger?

nigger, i'm gonna drop some knowleds on your crazy white ass!

by i love black people May 24, 2005

29๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


(Okay... It's time to define this word once and for all! This not being done in a racist way at all.)

(n): Any indivdual, regarless of race, religion, sex, or national origin who does any combination of the following: joins or forms a gang, Listens to nothing but "Ganster rap" and tries to push it on those who don't like it, calls everyone a racist who doesn't like everything they do, relishes crime in any form, hates law-abiding citzens, deals and or uses drugs, willingly does not speak or write proper English, is always looking for a fight, and/or thinks the world revolves around them.

Nigger: *holds up a probably stolen .380 sideways* Yo, bitch! Gimme yo fuckkin' money! I ain't playing wit you. I'll git my gangta posse and we pop caps yo bitch ass!

Regualr person: You know, an education is worth more than money or gold... Gangs are stupid and pointless. Drugs make you stupid. Guns belong in a shooting range or in a case at home, not on the streets unless your job lets you use one. Why do niggers exist? Can't everyone just get along and make the most out their lives?

by Brother doggie January 16, 2008

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Possibly the most overrated, influential word ever in the history of the English language.

Detective: Mr. Simpson, why did you murder your wife Nicole and her lover?

OJ: I thought I heard one of them say "nigger."

by the $cuN>| January 8, 2007

47๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž

niggers being niggers

The reason that most black people do things. It is the reason why they do things that other people do not understand.

"Why does that idiot have $4000 rims on a $500 car?" inquired Robert.

"Oh, it's just niggers being niggers" responded Jim

by southern 1 January 3, 2012

324๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


originating from the word negro, nigger is a racial slur for african american people. Back when slavery was common, the illiterate slavemasters mispronounced negro, saying it like 'niggruh'. from there, it became the more recognized 'nigger'.
today, nigger is used as both a racial slur and in common speech among african americans. (it is strongly advised for white people never to say nigger)

see nigga nig

-Whats up, nigga?
-not much my nig.

racist: you are a nigger.

by jenou May 13, 2008

15๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


Word used to describe black people that steal, act "ghetto", think they are better than everyone because they are black, or the ones who think the world owes them since their ancestors were slaves. Not used to describe all black people just the previously mentioned.

All niggers are black. Not all blacks are niggers.

by Pat27 February 16, 2006

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