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Olivia is normally a brown haired white girl with a fetish for peoples whos names start with the letter "e" for some reason, she is also vegetarian and if you call her vegan she will have a hissy fit.

is that Olivia?
idk they all look the same

by bubblerapboi775 February 19, 2022


She is a kind, smart, caring girl who deserves the world. She is a little bit of a softie but can beat peoples's ass in a heartbeat. I cannot stress enough that she deserves the world, but would use her power to blow her enemies asses up. If you date one, you are one lucky person.

Girl- Have you seen Olivia?
Her friend- No, why?
Girl- I heard she was amazing at Spanish!

by kamifan123 January 27, 2021


Olivia, the most perfect girl in the world. She has the cutest smile and it makes your heart melt, every time she looks at you with those cute brown eyes I just go in for a kiss, she is super funny and has an adorable laugh that would make even the safest person smile! She is so smart and makes you want to study to get on her level. All around Olivia is a princess and you should always do your best to make her happy!

I love oliviaaaaaaaaa!!!!

by Brando192004 August 13, 2018



person 1- olivia is a slag
person 2 - fr

by öäüß March 19, 2022

Olivia !

An extremely horny girl ! All the time ! 24/7 !

How horny is she? Oh her names Olivia ! it’s okay

by rustyspoonsmakemehorny April 13, 2020


A fit, kind, lovely young lady. Sometimes can be a dick to people that are the same age as her but her Heart melts when she falls in love with one. Once she is in love she can’t come out of it. Olivia is funny a risk taker but knows what is right or not. She goes through a lot of shit or at least she feels like it so always be their for her even if she has that fake smile on. But she does have a real one and when it’s on she is the happiest person ever!!

Boy: Did u see Olivia today
Boy2: yeh she so fit and funny

Boy: Ino you should try cheer her up when she looks sad she loves flirting

by Chatigiakkk July 30, 2018


A girl as amazing as Olivia belongs with someone named Samuel. Usually a ginger. They are soulmates.

Person 1- Wow! Do you see Olivia over there?
Person 2- Yeah, she has the cutest relationship with the ginger, Sam.

Person 1- I know, they are so cute together, their ship name is samivia.

Person 2- Even better!

by frghymjhnbgfhjikjuhyt January 31, 2019