Senior prime is what you call someone when there in there prime but just need to get out of a sticky situation with someone that they are connected to. Can also mean that person is old and may be disabled wills in there prime
Adj, inspiring so much awe that Optimus Prime says Awesome.
OMG Optimus Prime just called me Awesome Prime
A male aged 27-32 who is the interest of a cougar. (I.E. The cougar likes a prime hunter because his lust for an older woman.)
Courtney is a cougar and wants to engage sexually with a "prime hunter" whom is aged 27-32.
A bottle used to urinate in. The name references the Amazon Prime branding because it is not uncommon for Amazon Delivery drivers to use prime bottles as portable on the go restrooms to save time and keep their performance metrics up.
We don't have time to stop, use a Prime Bottle.
When you drink before going to f your new gf
I’m primed for the pump, so one bottle will be enough for us both once I’m there.
Heimmmus Prime is the half brother of Optimus Prime and also helps keep peace within Earth. If you ever need Heimmmus Prime call the emergency services.
"Help I've fallen and can't get up I need Heimmmus Prime."
*Heimmmus Prime flys through the window*
"Don't worry Heimmmus Prime is here!"
"Thank you Heimmmus Prime you're the best!"