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panic fap

The act of overreacting so much to a minor situation that you have to masturbate to alleviate stress.

Man, I discovered I needed new shoes and got so flustered I needed to panic fap it out

by Iamapie42 November 14, 2021

Brown Panic

The feeling of utter fear as you realize that toilet paper is non-existent in your dank stall. You may have to partake in an icky shuffle to clean yourself up.

Dude, I had total brown panic the other day at the concert. I thought I might have to use my hand...

by YouLooked December 3, 2014

panic puffs

panic puffs: wind from down under during stressful moments

Ex: Rosie experienced panic puffs while driving in the severe weather conditions.

panic puffsgasfartswind from down under

by panic puffs November 21, 2016

Panic Cleaning

Frantically cleaning one's home in anticipation of the imminent arrival of guests.

My spouse's parents are on their way over so I am panic cleaning.

by wilkinism December 18, 2022

Panic Smashing

When one panics so hard in a Video Game(mainly in MOBAS or MMO's) to a point where they audibly smash their keys that are either on cooldown or not casted yet.

You are Panic Smashing so badly that I can hear it through your mic.

by Shmequinox February 3, 2021

Girl In Panic

When you are so excited or overwhelmed over a new song or album. Specifically girl in red.

Person one "Have you even heard Body And Mind!?"
Person two "Yeah!! It's so relatable! I was the Girl In Panic!

by darkcatch April 30, 2021


The state of mind that occurs when one must stop whatever they are doing and run for the nearest bathroom, or suitable area, due to a now inevitable urge to move one's bowels.

Boss: "Hey did you finish that list of stuff I gave you?"
Employee: "No, I suddenly went into ass-panic and I ran for the bathroom."

by deepseacommando17 January 21, 2009