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himr is a person that will totally be lame

"OH yea thats a Piper"

by Mr.GlobeLong May 10, 2022


A kind heart warming girl that is a barrnet and that falls in love to fast. She has boyfriends and crushes without relizing they like your friend and she doesn't except failure. she loves her family and friends and gives instead of takes, she would give more to others than herself. she loves to explore. she is a loyal friend and kind and has a heart of gold when she uses it. She has some sass and a she is PRETTY!

If you know apiper than be grateful because she is the best girl in the world

A piper is a nice kind girl that you should never let go of

by piglvr33 May 14, 2021


Piper, also known as harry styles wife. the guy who used to be in a boyband that wears sweaters and sparkly boots and really high pants. She is also very much in love with harry’s ex band mates. The hottest woman to exist besides bella hadid. DID I MENTION SHES MARRIED TO MR.STYLES?!?

Harry: that’s the love of my life!!! the woman i’ll never leave ever! My beloved wife Piper!!

by zaynsidechick June 3, 2021


a piper is someone who always only thinks about themselves and is a huge bitch and very violent, racist, and judgemental

person 1: omg look its piper
person 2: ew we have to run

by addison s July 19, 2020


Piper is so hot it's not even funny. she's so funny and the best girl in the world. shes got a thiccc booty and are not afraid of anything. she can pick up all the guys and gals, but they're just afraid of her awesomeness, that's why she's still single. she so beautiful, that's why everyone is intimidated by her. that's why she hasn't even held hands with a boy before. PIper isn't even worth a million dollars, and shes fiiiinnneee quality (☞゚ヮ゚)☞

Dude 1 yo, is that Piper? she be lookin fiiiinnneee

Dude 2 omg, look at that 🎂 doe

by PiperIshotL,DontKillmelilly April 29, 2020



Piper is a 🥴

by 288888888.3 November 20, 2018


A piper is an asshole who will stab you in the back, she only cares about herself she will pretend to be your friend but then she calls you ugly behind your back
- a friend of a Piper

“Hey piper how are you”
“Oh im good leys go over there!”

ugly bitch

by Rileytemond October 18, 2019