RAID stands for redundant array of independent disks; a way to store the same data on multiple drives that protects against drive failures.
This server is running three raid arrays stripped together in Windows.
One drive died, however, the raid array saved all of my data.
When a troll on Discord sends a link to a server to his friends and has them spam @everyone and troll
When my Discord kitten sent me a link to a server, I sent it to all my friends and we had a good old raid.
The practice of getting a small or large group together and joining a server for the purpose of being rude to others in order to make them leave the server. Mainly to clear it out and make it dead.
Yesterday my ex best friend got some of their friends to raid my discord server, they almost made some people leave, but i managed to get a hold on it.
Verb. To raid. To be raided. From rapid aids. The act of suddenly encountering/being subjected to rapid aids. Sudden onset rapid aids
I was minding my own business and then WHAM. Rapid aids. I’d been raided
When some egotistical degenerate pussies can’t pvp you and/or your group so they sit and wait until you get off
these fucking losers can only offline raid because they’re pussies and can’t win any fight they push
A phrase used to denote the inherent retardation of the new monarchy fools who cannot keep their shit together on the other side of the Destiny 2 Baths encounter. It is often deemed astounding that individuals who play the tankiest class in the game are the cause of frequent and consistent wipes.
Mike: Yo Soy Raid?
David: Nah, I don't want to spend the next 50 years of my life in the baths.
Neil's Choc Box - A homosexual term.
A homosexual man may request to enter his partner by asking whether he can "Raid Neils Choc Box".
Term originates from the Midlands area local to Derby. Has recently be seen in use in the south London area,