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The reason why dinosaurs were extinct.

Minister: And so God created Adam and Eve.

Boy: What about the dinosaurs?

Minister: God smitten them with the back of his hand because they didn't believe in this religion.

by Deeznutzinurmouth February 21, 2010

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A long time ago people wanted answers as to why and how they have came to be. Science was not around very much and was not advanced at the time to answer any questions at all. So man-kind went ahead and made up many crazy stories and then implemented them into the world.

The world began to fall into a plethora of wars and tyrannical regimes all based around stories made up by man-kind i.e. Religion

In this day in age science is now so very advanced today that it clearly shows facts and real logical ideas as to how life was created. Basically disproving any sort of religion and the bible itself.

However the problem being is that religion was forced upon human kind and so ingrained into many cultures around the world for hundreds of years that people don't want to let go. Ignoring the real facts, and being afraid of the truth, the majority of human kind sadly clings to the idea of religion. This results in murder, wars, violence, racism, extreme ignorance, and sexism. Religion can be in-fact linked to most of today's problems.

(Simple argument, a SMALL example representing the REAL violence and hardships that religion can create.)

Jahova's witness: Jesus was NOT god, he is the son of god!

Christian: He is a part of god, therefore that makes him GOD!

This example proves religion causes clashes between other religions, which can result in simple small arguments. Unlike the ladder given above, some clashes can result in violence, and some can even result in large wars.

by CharlesV October 22, 2008

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A result of the ever existing human need for explanations to questions that we just cannot answer. The most well known ones are violent, backward, anti-freedom and homophobic.

Person A: Are you part of any religion?
Person B: No, but I'm spiritual
Person A: It's just as stupid as religion. Neither provide answers

by JamesThe August 22, 2010

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A self righteous form of worshipping God. Someone who is religious worships God to look Holy in front of others. True worship comes with humility and NO condemnation and NO judgement of others. Religion is a set of laws and rules. True Christianity is not religion as it is not about the law, because we've been set free from the law and power of sin, by Jesus Christ's sacrifice, as out substitute.

Religion is rules that one is forced to follow.

by Matthew October 9, 2003

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religion is the enemy of God. that may have sounded a bit weird, but I define religion as the traditions and rituals (which are often times unessecary) that surround a particular beleif. I personally consider Catholosism to be a religion because they do many activities that are not outlined in the Bible. Religion is a distraction from God.

athiest: are you religious?
guy in question: well, that depends on what you mean by religion. If i say, 'yes' then i become subject to much belittling. If i say no, it would seem as if i do not beleive in god. I'm in a rut!

by karl May 28, 2004

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The marraige of philosophy, metaphysics, and literature. Really, for what more could you ask?

What's your religion?

by Killing Kittens June 26, 2004

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1. A beautiful establishment that celebrates the gifts of everyday life, and the lives of others.

2. The most detrimental/harmful belief system every created (no pun intended) that is responsible for the most consistent acts of violence, bigotry, hate, years of insurmountable differences, witch burnings, the degrading of women, child abuse, 9/11, political and social exploitation, tithes, corruption, extortion, genocide, suicide, Sarah Palin, pedophilia, bestiality, self mutilation, self deprivation....................Sarah Palin, psychological torture, physical torture, fasting, annihilation, and eventually the complete decay of society as we know it.

Bullshit religion, Horse shit, kangaroo shit, duck shit, dog shit, armadillo shit, HOLY shit

by nivy June 23, 2010

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