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A responsible citizen that believes that you are responible for your own actions, instead of the government being responsible for your own mistakes.

That republican guy worked hard his whole life and now he can retire in Hawaii with a beach front home and a Ferrari convertible!

by Satan! April 29, 2005

43๐Ÿ‘ 179๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person located on the right-wing of the political spectrum, and something that I'm glad I am. Most voted for George W. Bush (or Bush), and helped him win his 2nd term to the Presidency.

Oh yeah, before I forget, Republicans DO NOT only represent the rich; I voted for him and I'm only MIDDLE class. Plus, the majority of the friends I have, including most of the lower class ones, voted for George Bush. Why would they vote Republican and be one if the Grand Old Party only benefitted the wealthy? Exactly...liberal credibility: out the window!

by Straight from E-ville April 16, 2005

47๐Ÿ‘ 190๐Ÿ‘Ž


One who wants the least amount of government possible, the least amount of taxes possible, and the least amount of interference in his/her daily life. We call it freedom. By contrast, liberals (a misnomer) want lots of laws and regulations and taxes.

When the Supreme Court was deciding on wether or not to allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes, it was the LIBERALS who said "no." The conservative (republican) judges said that it is up to the doctor and patient to decide what treatment to use.

by Mistress Sherri April 18, 2006

38๐Ÿ‘ 160๐Ÿ‘Ž


smart people that use their brain to think. people who give tax refunds to people who pay more taxes. people that believe in low taxes so people spend more and make the economy grow. capitalism. people that believe that we should protect the country. people who get blamed for everything. people that are smarter then everyone else in this thread. People that believe that you should have to work to get money. that the goverment shouldnt take care of you. People that dont pass every single bill that wastes money (thats right i do think george bush spends too much money on waste) People that spend lots of money to protect their country. people that hate the french. people that believe we should do something about c4 bombings on the world trade center. people that believe that minium wage shouldnt be increased because because the people end up paying for it anyway because the prices are raised. people that believe that the state govenor should be responsible for natural disasters. people that think gays shouldn't mary because the separation of curch and state doesnt say that. people that belive you shouldnt kill your own babies. "people that come up with ideas instead of complaning about them".People that believe that a strong militay means the end of the cold war.

republican is better!

by ant ant42 April 5, 2006

43๐Ÿ‘ 186๐Ÿ‘Ž


One of the major political parties in the US that beleives:

1) Capital Punishment should be enforced. sorry liberals, but a child molester and serial killer aren't going to'change'. and no, they wont feel'guilty' in prison so no thats not more 'painful' than killing them. they understand what they did. they enjoyed it. they should die.

2)They are pro-life. You can crack an eagle's egg in a national park and be sentenced to years in prison but you can kill more than 2.5 million babies a year in this country alone and be fine with that. and as for rape, its a little something called 'the day after pill' which most all conservatives support.

3)lowering taxes. this nifty thing called reaganomics says that astonishingly, if u LOWER gasp taxes, people will have more money and in turn have more money to 1invest 2spend and 3 put into their piggy banks. thus making the economy grow faster than by raising taxes

4) beleive that teachers in their little stupid unions make more money than most deserve and we should cut spending in unproductive schools/ hire new, better,certified teachers.

5) illegal immigrants should be sent back where they came ASAP

6) Gay marriage is an oxymoron. It's been this way for THOUSANDS of years. if u love eachother so much that should be enough for u. u dont need to 'prove' ur love thru marriage. get over it its all for the pre-nups.

7) Intelligent Design should be taught in schools along with Evolutionism. Want one good reason why? You've seen that little diagram of monkeys forming into humans/ little horses beocoming big horses right? Would u beleive that duhduhduh fossil records show that there is nothing like that ever in the hsitory of the world. In most cases, it looks as if organisms just suddenly appear and then sometime disappear altogether...like a mass flood or something...hmmm...

8) Welfare should be limited and cut off after a certain time. get off your lazy poor ass and work. I'm not discriminating u poor people. all im saying is that welfare is the door to unemployment.

Republicans aren't mean, they're realistic.

by nayr September 20, 2006

40๐Ÿ‘ 176๐Ÿ‘Ž


The right wing of the US political system. It is actually younger than the other political party, and focuses on preserving various rights.
Overall however, it is impossible to define a Republican, or a Democrat for that matter, without opinionism.

On a sidenote, Republicans are for INDIVIDUAL freedom and less government-control. And with individual freedom comes individual RESPONSIBILITY. And with responsibility, there is hard-earned bliss.

"Not ALL Republicans are evil."


by Dave November 3, 2004

41๐Ÿ‘ 183๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone who doesn't approve of the murder of innocent babies.

I am a Republican. I don't think it should be legal for mothers to murder their own child for selfish reasons.

by 12345678910republican March 28, 2010

27๐Ÿ‘ 113๐Ÿ‘Ž