gratification from intention of being served food, especially made for them.
She is a sadie not foodie, she appreciates the effort into making than eating it
Sexy guy with the nicest 6 pack ever. Sweet and good at math.
Might break your heart by accident!
Sadie is so hot! I wish he’d text me back!
The coolest person alive, jk but Fr she is really nice and knows how to handle anything thrown at her. If u insult her she will bring it back to u ten times harder or slap the shit out of u. She has men on her left and right, so many options you are lucky If u get picked so don’t mess it up or she will pick one of the other 1500 guys that want her. She has a really nice body and has good proportions and she is One of the most gorgeous people you’ll ever meet
Dude:omg who is she, she’s hot
Other dude: that’s Sadie the hottest girl around everybody wants her
Dude: yeah I can see why
Very pretty girl. But definitely does not know it. She’s very smart and athletic, and good with people. But she is secretive and doesn’t let to many people in with what’s really happening. She definitely has a lot of guys all over her but is looking for the one. Talented at things besides sports, probably plays an instrument, and is always down to have a good time with her friends. Only bad trait is that she doesn’t seem to take anything seriously and is fixed on one way of thinking.
Guy 1: you see that hot girl over there?
Guy 2: yeah, that’s Sadie
Guy 1: I’m going to go flirt with her
Guy 2: it wont work. She’ll know when she found who she’s looking for and she will approach them
Guy 1: damn
*sadie walks over*
Guy 2: Damn it!
The plkent of all plkents. A dirty hippy sexy whore that i love so much pls never leave me can we make out
"Sadie is sexy"
"Shut up, Mia"
A big fat piece of cellulite. Often a big fat person normally takes up a lot of space and farts a lot.
"oh see that whale over there she's a sadie"
Sadie is the most (amazing) girl in the world. If you manage to capture the heartof a sadie then hold on to her. shes the best friend you will get thats for sure... never let a sadie go.
"omg she so confident!"
"I KNOW!! shes a SADIE"