A online comedy show that was started by Psychopathic Records artist Twiztid. The show, dubbed "The Number One Juggalo Access Show", was primarily sket comedy mixed with footage from the road and found by the directer, Blaze Yo Dead Homie. The show was so popular among Juggalos that a DVD was released featuring the orginal run of the Purple Show. Vol. 2 is slated to come out in 2006.
It's the Purple Show
Everybody holds your arms up high
It's the Purple Show
And this episode number 5
It's the Purple Show
Purple Purple Purple all the time
It's The Purple Show
Everybody listen to my purple rhyme.
15๐ 4๐
When a woman acts like a bitch as if she were on the rag.
Calm down, Julie, your string is showing.
7๐ 1๐
fat useless want to be rich boy living off his dads money. usually has a hair cut that makes his head look like a toilet bowl scrubber. who's diet consits of milky ways and dr peppers
Brantley shaw is really a show cow
7๐ 1๐
Tanked out of your mind. To be drunk beyond reason. to be plastered or destroyed. To be shmammered.
Hash-master was ham-showed at the condo!! He could hardly stand.
7๐ 1๐
When a situation is SO fucked, all you can do is sit back and watch the show.
This holiday sale is becoming a fuck show. I can't bear to try to beat the crowds myself. I just amused by how all the people are acting.
43๐ 17๐
A new and upcoming spinoff of family guy's character Cleveland Brown. In this show he gets married to his highschool love Donna. They have two kids, and cleveland's son cleveland jr. who for some reason is really fat instead of being hyperactive. I personally liked the hyperactive cleveland jr. better. This show doesn't look that good, however. It looks dull, and looks just like family guy but with black main characters, and some new neighbors. Also, cleveland was the most boring character on family guy, and making a spinoff with him as a main character doesn't look that great. Family guy was a way better entertaining and more funny show. I hope they don't abandon it just to make this crappy looking spinoff.
The Cleveland Show looks just like that old show The X's that got canceled within a few months.
The Cleveland Show looks like an epic fail waiting to happen.
168๐ 83๐
A show full of people with many problems. Usually involves people cheating on other people or prostitutes. Also has lots of cussing & sometimes even gay couples.
Maury: Let's bring Tanaya on to the show!
Tanaya's Mother: &&#@&^*@@^%$@^@*$##^%!@&#*#@#^@@^@*#
Therefore, the Maury Show is basically a place for trash.
33๐ 12๐