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Sophia is someone short with brown hair and brown eyes who tries to always look her best. She is thiccc af and will always voice her opinion even when it’s not the most popular one. She excells at what she does and never lets anyone tell her what to do. She feels comfortable in her own skin and doesn’t give two shits about what other people think about her because she loves herself. Sophia will always be an empathetic, caring, loving, sweet person with a slightly bitchy side, but she will ALWAYS come to your defense even if it means punching because she is more loyal then anyone you’ve ever met. She’s very mature, but still has a fun side. Overall, Sophia’s are very fun, loyal, cute, dorky, and overall HAPPI and full of LOVE💗💗

sophia, ilysm ur the best

ily girly don’t worry i have ur back 💗💗

by -a boy May 21, 2018

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Sophia is a loyal friend at first you think she is A shy smart girl but really opens up when you get to know her she will stick to your side no matter what and will keep your secrecy’s if you keep hers she is a beautiful,funny girl she goes threw things but doesn’t tell you because she doesn’t want to spoil your happiness if you know a Sophia you better get close to her because she will stick by you no matter what and will never put herself before you. She gets a little crazy but you learn to love it. Sophia will understand you and she will relate she wouldn’t hide her opinion for the common good. Sophia is the best friend you’ll ever have and she’ll love you and your fam like it’s her own and she will treat you like a queen.

Stranger- who was that?!

Sophia-oh that’s Emily .

Stranger- man she looks ugly!

Sophia- excuse you!!!


by Trie dictionary May 29, 2019

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I'm a Sophia...so I know...that we're incredibly sexy and ironic. Also can be a little inappropriate at the worst times. That's not it though. If we want to, we can be the smartest people in school. If not, we're dumb and make stupid decisions that get us in trouble. I should know. But, yeah...if we try (like I did in 5th grade once) we can be an all A's student (NERRRRRRD). We can pick up on skills faster than or then (I didn't pay attention in class when we learned about the then's/than's) anyone else. You would be EVER so lucky to have one of us in your life. It was late when i wrote this so ignore the many mistakes i'm sure there probably are.

PERSON: Is that the most sexy, smart, nice, stoopid, person iv'e ever seen?
OTHER: No that's just soph-...ohhh, it is. It's Sophia.

by namre July 12, 2019

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The Sexiest you ever saw in your life with the perfect body and feet and ass she is so beautiful and attractive that she can make you stop what your doing and stare she could make a straight woman turn lesbian she knows how to have fun and is funny she also a real freak that likes Dominic he makes her wet wet so she sucks his dick or jerks him off where ever or when ever they are together she met him in highschool

I got into a wreck stareing at this chick named Sophia today she was the Sexiest women I have ever seen to bad she was with some short loser

Damn I wanna meet Sophia now

by Supersoaker2020 March 22, 2020

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Sophia is a ugly ass bitch , people mistake her as Sofia which is so annoying. LIKE HOW MANY SOPHIAS ARE THEIR ugh anyway yeah

Sophia has anger issues

by Sophianotsofia July 20, 2020

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Sophia, ughh. Don’t ever trust her, she never has your back when she says she does.Sophia is a two faced idiot and will always change friendship groups but will never support them in what they do. She always says that other people have the spot light when really she wants it but will never get the fact that she isn’t popular.

Person1: OMG what happened to Sophia
Person2: don’t worry she always looks like that

by NO GINGERS April 19, 2020

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Sophia is a caring, beautiful, flawless, friendly, and most of all always an amazing firend who has ur back 23/7 ofc. She has perfect brown eyes and a GREEN ring around her pupils when light flashes through her eyes. She’s one of the most supportive and trustworthy girl you’ll ever meet. Every guy falls for her but watch out cause her gals got her back. A Sophia would arrive a little LATE to all events and probably has amazing ukele skills. Sophia is a perfect person like the mysterious clouds which she admires.

I hope Sophia comes on time.

She’s Sophia, what do you expect.

by broccoli.tree February 28, 2019

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