to use Google Maps or Bing Maps in the aid of stalking. the name for a person who Bing Stalks is a Bing Stalker
"wow, it looks like that guys Bing Stalking his friends girlfriend. what a loser."
the act of seeing someone very attractive all the time but not intending it to happen. Enjoying it and subconciously find yourself going to same place where you run into them yet again. You may give them secret code names and make eye contact.
Girl 1:Dang, I see that guy almost every where, it's like unintentional stalking!
Girl 2: he is a hottie biscotti with a naughty body
1👍 1👎
Facebook Stalking consists of monitoring Facebook activities of Facebook users.
Like regular (cyber)stalking, Facebook stalking allows the stalker to secretly gather information about the stalkee but, unlike regular (cyber)stalking, Facebook stalking is not illegal as it's the stalkee self that spontaneously posts information online about him/herself.
As you might know, posting contents on Facebook (or anywhere else online) means publishing content.
Facebook stalking is generally accepted by the voyeuristic victims but sometimes they complain being *stalked*. This shows either ignorance in the use of these new media platforms (and in the law) or eagerness to accuse their neighbor of the very same evil they suffer from. In psychology this behavior is called projection.
In addition, being a Facebook user stalked for real or not, nobody can know it, due to strict Facebook rules which prevent users to know who visited their profile.
Guy A: You know dude, my ex is Facebook stalking me!
Guy B: And how do you know it?
Guy A: I don't: it's just my gut feeling...
Guy B: Get over it, dude!
When you block someone and then decide to stalk them. A bitch move
Alex decided that our relationship wasn't for the best but then decided to go out of her way to block and stalk you
That creepy feeling you get when you open a google doc file at work and realize that one of your teammates is also looking at it, but then you open another one and see that same teammate already there again. Repeat into infinity.
"I closed my computer and went on a coffee break when I realized I was doc stalking Katherine."
Checking on the GPS location of a person after they have enabled the Glympse tracking app on their smartphone.
I see that you stopped at the grocery store before coming home because I was Glympse stalking you.
Going somewhere in hopes to run into a crush to solicit interest without going to the extremes of stalking, aka constantly checking up on Facebook and messaging said person
She went to a different coffee shop than usual to softly-stalking the guy she met last week