The status quo, or any other quo, is a person's business if they want to go with it. Some people want to change everything, and others were already happy without anything having to change for them to be happy.
You don't tell people they can't stick with the status quo, even if you don't agree with the way they do something. You disagree with them, they disagree with you, a d that's it. Not everybody has to agree that wearing a stupid fucking mask everywhere or getting a vaccine is a good idea, since a country where everyone has to agree on everything is not really a free country.
to be chilling, plan on hanging out
Last night I was on that chillzin status with the boys
Derived from a child named Cori that had constant trouble pooping. That sensation of unbearable stomach cramping prior to diarrhea of a waterfall nature.
I need to use the bathroom I have cori status.
I ate a whole bag of flaming hot cheetos and it gave me cori status.
I barely slept at all last night. I had cori status.
noun - When something happens in day-to-day life that's so notable that it's worth making a facebook status about.
Mark was petting his cat and it suddenly jumped on his crotch and started scratching him.
What a status moment!
When your game with respect to your ability to lure women into bed is always on point.
girl 1: Omg, look at Jeff over there, he's so damn fine.
girl 2: He's eternally on stud status.
girl 1: omg, look at Jeff over there, he's so damn fine.
girl 2: He's eternally on stud status.
When you dodge a question by staying quiet or saying “uhhhh.....”
Pheonix: “hey did you get top before?”
Xavier: “......uhhhh.....”
Brandon: “He’s on his Marriott status again”
When someone updates their facebook status and/or posts links one after another in a short period of time.
Friend 1 What's up with Mary Lou? She just updated her fb status 5 times in the past 10 minutes!!
Friend 2 She has a severe case of status diarrhea!