Loves to sit on Dominic’s face or have her ass cheeks between Dominic’s face Jada stevens is the sexiest and a pornstar with the perfect always down to fuck Dominic any time any where anyhow any place she has a gorilla grip coochie
Damn Jada Stevens is here i bet she doesn’t know Dominic’s here
A decent town comprised of the following kinds of people:
1) rich kids who own a dock on the lake, a recording studio, a vacation house in chelan, perhaps a beamer or two
2) mormons, lots of mormons
3) people who claim to be really, really christian but still party and/or sleep around
4) people who party and/or sleep around
5) college kids who can never seem to leave
6) drug addicts and recently sober drug addicts
7) indie/alternative nerds who may or may not be cool (varies per person)
8) girls who got married (and possibly divorced) or pregnant but not married right after high school
9) minorities: colored people, straight-edgers
other features of lake stevens:
-target and safeway, where you will inevitably run into someone who graduated with but never wanted to see again
-team fitness, where you might end up working out next to a former teacher
-a train at the bottom of the lake
All in all, not a terrible place to live if you know the right people and have the resources to move away when you can. You could do a lot worse, like Granite Falls.
Mom: what are you doing today?
You: First, I'm going to community college because I love Lake Stevens too much to leave, then I'm going to Safeway to deposit my paycheck that I got from working at either the outlet mall or an espresso stand. After that, I'm going to spend my paycheck by trying to avoid people I know at Target or tanning at Bahama Sun or eating at Ixtapa with the same friends I hung out with in high school who probably did the same thing today. Lastly, I'm going end my day on Facebook looking up who pregnant these days.
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Character from That '70s Show, played by Danny Masterson. He shows up in Show from first episode of Season 1 to last episode of Season 8. He is white guy with an afro haircut. Usually wear sunglasses (even at night). His mother abandoned him at half of season 1 and he moved to live in basemant of his school friend Eric Forman. Until season 7 he didn't know who is his real father, and at first episode of season 7 he met him. His name is William Barrnet and he is black, which makes Hyde half-black. Hyde is though guy known mostly for his anti-governmant and anti-system quotes. Through Show, he was in few relationships, most known is with Jackie Burkhart.
„Three true branches of the Governmant are: Millitary, Corporations and Hollywood.”
„Dating is like prostitution, only you get less for what you paid.”
„I respect the Judeo-Christian ethic, as well teachings of Eastern philosophies and Muhammad ofcourse. I found that organize religion corrupted those beliefs through history. So, If I attend to church, I would be a hypocrite.”
- Steven Hyde
When your partner is riding you cowgirl and in a vain attempt to slap their ass you slap your balls instead.
She was riding me hard when I tried to slap her ass but accidentally pulled The Stevens Maneuver and slapped my balls causing me to go soft.
The popular line from a Lil Wayne song that makes it seem like he's having intercourse with your significant other.
"Make a movie with yo bitch, Steven Spielnigga."
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A show about gay alien space rocks that came to earth one day. One of them had a baby with human(the bisexual one) and make Steven. De good alien space rock try save earth but de bad one dont.War happenes and.... (theres a plot twist)
Good show would recommend to anyone who needs a good depression.
Steven Universe is Gay.
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Steven Moffat OBE is the writer/producer of the hit BBC series Doctor Who and Sherlock. His work has been knowen to induce extreme feels in fans and bend their minds with paradoxs. Much like a vampire feeds on blood, Moffat feeds on fandom tears.
Brainy's the new sexy - Steven Moffat