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te blood

A statement used to express happiness, especially when good vibrations are in your environment.

izaiah: bro this spliff slaps g im soo fried.
kiyron: te blooddddd!

by Jaqzhino January 29, 2024

Te Anau Time

1. When someone has more daylight hours in the day than they can use

2. When there is so much to see and do. You need Te Anau time to do it.
3. A popular phrase referring to slowing down and going with the flow in New Zealand. A play on “Island Time

It came into popular lexicon when Te Anau, New Zealand declared it was going to create its own timezone as it had so much daylight.

"You’re on Te Anau Time now mate."

by Don Daylight September 22, 2021

Che te potz

An Italian curse word. This slang word can be indirectly translated to a similar context as “fucking hell

(Pronounced keh-day-pots).

Where are you, che te potz?!

by Che te potz April 22, 2022

young B!TE

A not so famous but also very talented hungarian Cloud rapper and song writer with sarcasm and irony in his heart.

Mate1: Hey hey hey mate have you banged that girl last night?
Mate2: Nah man
Mate1: How come? I taught you ARE a womanizer
Mate2: Yeah but it turned out she's a young B!TE fan. I tell you she's a bloody keeper!

by *not my real name* December 17, 2019

TE Logic

When upper managements logic is completely illogical.

Bro, that TE logic has me so confused, do they actually know what goes on here?

by DasTEMan October 23, 2022

Te Ngahuru

A strong, Brave, tough man, Yet once you get to know him you will start to laugh and have a great time. He is very into Māori Spiritual World and is a big strong Māori Warrior, Te Ngahuru is very Kind and polite towards other people but one thing that holds him down is Anger. But other than that Te Ngahuru is an awesome powerful person

Te Ngahuru comes running though the doors, Oh My Gosh Hes so kind and polite

by Te Ngahuru November 1, 2018

Te jumelan los tachines

Andalusian slang for "te huelen los pies". In English: "Your Feet Stink"

¡Niño joder, no te quites las zapatillas en el salón!. ¡Te jumelan los tachines!
Fuck Boy, don't take off your sneakers in the living room! Your feet stink!

by Paco Paco September 23, 2022