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Do it for the Vine

When the app vine still existed, this was a term used when you wanted someone to do something crazy/funny for a video

Nowadays, the term is said as in "do something crazy/funny for a dumb joke"

This is a nice bridge, from this height, if i fell i probably wouldnt die.
"Do it for the Vine"
K damn *fucking jumps and dies*

by Turn¡p July 14, 2022

dine fine line mine nine pine sine vine wine

very good.

"Getting some dine fine line mine nine pine sine vine wine grains for my family."

by hydorus shui October 4, 2023

deja vine

A feeling experienced when seeing ancient vine videos on present-day video sharing sites.

I think I saw this before on Vine. I especially experienced deja vine when he said that his name is Jared, he’s 19, and he never learned how to read.

by fakename58 July 4, 2023

Mattox vines

Mattox Vines has such a fat juicy ass. he can clap with his hands tied together. boy what would i do to pronebone that.

mattox vines got the dump truck and it’s not even trash day

by coccl May 16, 2023

kewon vines

Danny Duncan's newest little friend.

Tom- Do you like Danny Duncan's new little friend?
Jerry- Wait, there's a new one?
Tom- Yeah his name is Kewon Vines and he's really cool

by SoRaHF May 23, 2022

Vine Junkie

A person that is addicted to vining on Vine. Also referred to as a viner.

Dude1: Dude will you get the fuck off your phone?!
Dude1: Your a Vine Junkie man! Stop it!!!

by DANO911 February 11, 2014

DingleBerry Vine

When you don't wipe after taking a shit for a whole month, and then after anal with your partner, you take the chunks of poo left in your ass hair and feed it to him or her.

Dude #1: I heard Ronny gave his mom a DingleBerry Vine!
Dude #2: That is fucking nasty!

by MyPenIsHugeAndHard June 9, 2011