The day at which the egyption revolution starts ,It was an intiative and a lead for most arabic revolutions and many youth sacrafice their life for its succeed and it did theoritaclly but it didn't virtually because nothing really change after it.And I hope one day it will.
for those who died for our country in 25 january we will make it right the next time.\
Today is the day you do anything for your bf no matter what. Hug him, hold him, and kiss him. Because he is the best
Hey babe it’s October 25
"it's october 25, that means it's international pegging day, now bend over!"
Its my birthday , the day no one cares
-Hey you know what special day it is..?
-its October 25 my birthday :')
The day that all the baddie daddies were born. If you weren’t born on October 25th than you are not a baddie daddy dinosaur🦖🥵🤠😽✨🙈
Person: what day were you born on?
Baddie daddy: October 25
Person: LUCKY!!! Shoulda guessed you BAE BADDIE DADDY!!!🥵🥵🥵🥵
You can be gay asf, but still be straight
Bob: Hey bro it’s October 25 wanna have fun??
Tim: What’s October 25??
Bob: It’s a day where you can be gay asf but still be straight.
Tim: Ohh, well then let’s do it!!
The day you will get your first kiss
its october 25th go kiss someone whore