Source Code

dog act

1 - Ripping the final cone from a mix in which you didn't financially contribute towards.
2 - An empty mixbowl of any sort.
3 - Splashback whilst ripping a cone.
4 - Devouring all of the munchies which you didn't pay for (Redskins in particular)
5 - To sell me kiff, trying to pass it off as bud.

Connie - *bubble* *gurgle* *rip......rip...* *RIP*

Me - Oi, Connie polished off the last cone of MY mix, man......mother fuckin' dead set DOG ACT!

by Chris Norman March 30, 2006

21πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

snakes act

A cold blooded act of betrayal.

To be double-crossed.

In 50BC Princess Berenice IV, next in line to rule Egypt, committed a snakes act by taking over her father's kingdom when her father King Ptolemy Auletes, Ruler of Egypt, left for a business trip.

It was even a bigger snakes act and an act of filicide, that King Ptolemy Auletes had his daughter Princess Berenice IV beheaded.

by The Moody Poet January 21, 2007

16πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Dog Act

A phrase used by Sydney's Lad community. Describing an action by another which is bad for the user.

"Johnno, you didn't come mate, thats a DOG ACT."

by Andy From Australia November 18, 2007

24πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

act a fool

To freak out on some bitch who piss yall off to act on dat fool

some body in and cleaned out ur crib! tell me wut u gone do ACT A FOOL

by Jazmin July 7, 2003

32πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž

Acting Bret

The act of being retarded or doing something stupid.

Kevin: Hey did you see Kelly today?
Hank: Ya she was Acting Bret all day.

by Katie Nicholson September 19, 2008

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

homestead act

An act passed by the American government to encourage migration westward. It was kind of a scam because the Great Plains were not very good for farming so the farmers resorted to dry farming. Although they dry farmed by day, they wet farmed at night, needing many children to help work on the fields.

C'mon, babe, let's Homestead Act the entire night away.

by superusa123 January 31, 2014

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Acting Albuquerque

The byproduct behavior of generation after generation of incest amongst themselves. Everybody is ghetto, thinks they are better than others. Yet are still broke and on food stamps with no other options. Upssesed with and red and green sauce on everything. They brush their teeth with it. Everyone has ghetto arm tattoos and gauges. The females are whores and the men think they’re the best fuckin thing on the planet. People are such dead beets they only look forward to in life is party and drugs. And incest.

You’re acting Albuquerque! Stop it right now!

by Dildotrump November 27, 2020

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