When over masterbating Due to the coronavirus causes a guy to have one buff, muscled up arm
Man look at his COVID ARM, he must’ve been jacking for days!
The arms on a overweight person that begin to resemble the shape of a shrimp, as in the upper half of the arm being very large (the shrimp's head) and tapering down as it gets closer to the hand (the shrimp's tail).
Look at the shrimp arms on that beast!
1. Generally: A good looking woman or man that accompanies a more well known person to formal events.
2. Specifically: The boyfriend of a man that is revealed when a well know male celebrity comes out of the closet.
Did you see the arm biscuit that Lance Bass had with him the other day?
Slang for heroin. In the same vein as nose beers and throat rack.
Apparently everyone knew he was on the nod.
They should have called him Philip See-More Arm Beers am I right?!?!
Don't speak ill of the dead
It's when you take a tennis ball and you open up your arm and you put it in and then you stretch the skin over it and sew it shut. It then heals over the tennis ball to make it look like you have muscles.
Damn, Arin! Where did you get those muscles?
Oh, these are just my arm plunts.
The state of having arms which resemble the quality of a pillow; soft, yet firm and comfy
Mmm, I just want to sunggle in those pillow arms
When your Nipple slides into your pit.
My Arm Nipples wont go away said Reilyn.