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cudi fever

when one experiences a sudden crave for kid cudi; when cudi is all you think about day n' night

brad: man i got a fever, and the only perscription is more cudi.
scott: yeah dude, weve both got the cudi fever

by cudibudi11 February 4, 2011

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bieber fever

The new inflammatory epidemic that attacks the cardiac area

Cause: Being obsessed and/or infatuated with Justin Bieber
Symptoms: Watching Justin Bieber's music videos on Youtube incessantly,listening to Bieber excessively, and having your room plastered in Justin Bieber posters are a few of the symptoms
Demographics: Adolescent girls are at greatest risk, although the disease is very fast spreading and infectious
Cure: Listening to some classical or classic rock music is one very permanent cure, but the body and brain may reject it.

13 year old watching television "It's the new Justin Bieber song! (SCREAM) I have to get it! I love you Justin!
Brother: (pukes)

Doctor to girl's mother "Well, your son is completely fine, the problem is your daughter. She is in the later stages of bieber fever
Mom: (cries)

by bibliophiliamaniac June 7, 2011

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Skaters Fever

When you pass by a skate spot with awsome ramps, rails, and halfpipes, and want to go skate on them, but you dont have your board. (Especially common for Skateboarders, Rollerbladers, BMX Riders, and Ripstikers.)

* Drives pass a skate park *
Guy 1: Wow look at those ramps.......

Guy 3: I think you guys might have skaters fever...

by AeroCJ July 12, 2010

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newjeans fever

Two words to describe K-pop’s biggest girl group of 4th gen, Newjeans, their colossal impact that has changed the game, the way they continue to do so and the β€˜fever’ everyone has cause they are obsessed with their music(including me!).

Person 1: ever since omg and ditto it seems everyone has Newjeans fever!

Person 2: I got no time to lo-o-see

Person 1: girl yes you do we have French in an hour

Person 2: oh my oh my god I’m actually fluent, that sucks for youuuu


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Someone who has a thing for Germans. A person who is fond of German culture, German people, and Germany in general. Similar to yellow fever.

Thy - I only want to date German guys.
Lonelle - What's with you and German dudes lately?
Thy - I don't know what it is, I think I must have Kraut-fever.

by Thy Nguyen May 21, 2013

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Maple Fever

Strong sexual desire and infatuation for Canadians.

"I suppose you have a thing for Canadian girls, huh? Is that it, you got Maple Fever?"

by Maple Fever September 26, 2015

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Bieber Fever

Bieber Fever is a deadly disease that is caused by the overjoy and love of Justin Bieber. The outbreak of Bieber Fever hit harder and spread faster than Swine Flu.

What usually happens, is that they get so charmed by his lesbian hair and hip music, they forget he actually controls them with his dark powers. He gets them drooling like Golden Retrievers, and then they pee their pants.

Bieber Fever can happen to anyone from ages 3 to 97, but typically happens to single moms, substitute teachers, and prepubescent girls.

Once they're infected, they are insane. The only way to cure Bieber Fever is chopping off the victim's head with a meat cleaver.

Feel my forehead. Do I feel hot to you? Oh man I hope it's not.... Bieber Fever.

by deathbyblowdryerxx June 29, 2010

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