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Axminster Warrior

Term for lesbian following leading on from rug muncher

she flicked the bean like a true Axminster Warrior

by rug muncher January 8, 2008

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shitpipe warrior

an arse bandit. a queer. one who likes it 'up the chuff'

'what a tit!'
'yeah...hes a right shitpipe warrior!'

by Scott Howarth November 26, 2007

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Bum warrior

1. A person who fights using their bum as a weapon.
2. A person who rampantly relishes in the glory of bumsex.

Goeff Capes is a big bum warrior.

by Dickflem December 20, 2004

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Shadow Warrior

Awesome FPS about ninja warrior Lo Wang. Brought to you by the good folks of 3D Realms, the same company that made Duke Nukem 3D so you can expect three things: Guns, Tits and Thrash-Talking.

Hey 3D Realms! Ditch Duke Nukem Forever and do a sequel for Shadow Warrior instead!

by kalle henderson April 2, 2007

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Chode Warrior

1. An individual (usually of small stature) with an over inflated sense of self worth.

2. An individual who will never acknowledge that they are wrong, despite actually knowing nothing about the subject. These individuals are likely to invent facts or anecdotes as supposed proof of their flawlessness.

A Chode Warrior can be differentiated from a standard Chode due to their quick temper, desire to fight anybody who challenges their authority and steadfast refusal to believe anybody else.

1. Nathan: Hey did you hear that Bo went on American Idol? That douchebag thinks he can sing!
Steve: He thinks he is killing it but he is such a Chode Warrior ...

2. Josh: You won't believe the bullshit that Alex just told me!
Andrew: Yeah I know! Don't believe a word of it - he is a total Chode Warrior.

by R_Eldred November 24, 2011

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The Ultimate Warrior

A sex act. While having doggy style sex with a girl you grab both of her arms, and hold them out in a T formation, and shake the hell out of them. Just like the WWF star, the Ultimate Warrior's ring introduction.

I was hitting Jessica from the back, and thought I'd spice it up a bit so I gave her the Ultimate Warrior. I nearly dislocated her shoulder. Whoops.

by Ottis Spunkmire July 19, 2011

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goon warrior

one who consumes large amounts of goon. goon is the cheapest and strongest alcohol available to money tight teenagers.

see how much he had to drink. he's a goon warrior

by pelaco December 14, 2009

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