If a person is being a Sophie Quinn they are being a retarded fridge
- she’s so disabled
- she’s a Sophie Quinn
When your internet friend has to leave the internet because their dumb parents say they can’t talk to anyone online anymore
Person A: Will you ever pull A Quinn on us?
Person B: Nah man, my parents aren’t that strict.
Means "fresh or dope"people use the word LA QUINN to say that they are looking cool and fresh
Your looking dope like La Quinn
the sexiest most feminine being on the earth. a scubas if you will.
i love sex with leigh maeson everett quinn.
the perfect one. Thats it. Thats the definition. You need someone to make you laugh? Ask Joey. You need someone to commit arson with? Ask Joey. You need someone to yell at you? Ask Joey.
Friend 1: Joey Quinn?
Friend 2: The one everyone loves?
Friend 1: And the one who has an inactive bf so is constantly complaining about that
Friend 2: As she should
gay sex. Thicknisity on point. Has nice ear lobes.
No one:
No one at all:
Not a single soul:
Quinn Cunningham: gay sex?
Dumb pothead, alcoholic who only sleeps with his friend's baby mommas. If you're friends with Quinn, your social points instantly drop to zero. He gets on Xbox Live at 3 AM when everyone else is asleep and watches Hentai with his dog, Oreo.
Quinn Feezor told me I was gay. I told him to look in the mirror.