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Toxic Exit

A Dubstep Artist from the UK, 14 years of age. Produces music as a hobby.

Dude, Have you heard toxic exit's new song? yeh man its dope!


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toxic boyfriend

A leech, a mooch, a drain on one's finances. A male significant other who needs periodic bailing out.

After paying for dinner yet again, Samantha wished there was a bad bank that would take over her toxic boyfriend.

by maximo hudson January 28, 2009

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Toxic Altruism

When one's unsolicited help causes damage.

She has a terrible habit of intruding to help when not even asked for, which mostly ends in a disaster. That is the definition of toxic altruism.

by sandyzombie September 19, 2021

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toxic masculinity

The socially-constructed attitudes that men are expected to be: violent, unemotional, sexually aggressive, etc. It's harmful to men and it harms everyone else as a consequence through these actions.

Especially prominent in: locker rooms, with all the yelling, fighting, proving yourself, who's-dick-is-bigger atmosphere
and in fraternities, with all the making fun or or belting women, emotions, or being a decent human being, and judging men by how many girls they've had sex with, etc.

"God, did you hear about Joe hitting his girl because his friends were making fun of him for being emotional and sensitive when he's with her?"
"Yeah, that's just toxic masculinity. He's grown up taught that he's gotta be a certain way, and that acting otherwise or "acting like a girl" is bad. Murica."

by you got the words wrong March 8, 2017

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toxic masculinity

A stupid politically correct term that tries to tell people that masculinity is a bad thing or even unhealthy and toxic.

There is no such thing as toxic masculinity. fuck societal terms. fuck political correctness.

by Zatarain’s Root Beer Drinker November 19, 2020

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Toxic Femininity

The idea of toxic femininity refers to extreme/toxic personality traits that many women develop based on how females as a whole are treated/taught how to act by society. These personality traits usually revolve around a heavy sense of entitlement and failure to take responsibility for one's own actions. Many societal double standards exist in favor of women(don't argue with a woman, don't hit a woman back, the man should always be the one to pay, etc) which further influences this type of behavior. The media mainly focuses on the concept of toxic masculinity but refuses to acknowledge the existence of toxic femininity.

Examples of toxic femininity include:

1. Women who bring nothing to the table yet expect a man to fully support all of their needs.

2. Women who overly sexualize themselves while passing it off as empowerment/expressing themselves(Megan Thee Stallion, City Girls, Saweetie, and pretty much every other modern female rapper promotes a load of toxic femininity in their songs and music videos)
3. Women who claim to want "equality" but refuse to take charge when put in a position to do so
4. Women who frequently bash the physical appearance of other women
5. Women who blame men for all of their problems
6. Women who act weak, helpless, or squeamish (like a damsel in distress) to get what their way
7. Women who only seek men for financial support
8. Women who want to normalize the emasculation of males
9. Women say "men are trash"
10. Women who refuse to acknowledge societal double standards

by TheUncommonOne July 20, 2020

419πŸ‘ 588πŸ‘Ž

Toxic relationship

When Hermione lodge and Hiram lodge are always together in riverdale!!

You:what’s the most toxic relationship

Me:the way how hermione and Hiram are always together

by marisolxstar November 24, 2019

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