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Corn Trash

Something that is corny and trash at the same time

Logic’s music is the definition of corn trash

by Jeffinho January 20, 2020

Trash Panderer


-An individual of a marginalized demographic (PoC, LGBTQ, etc) who espouses views that are antithetical to the character, societal harmony, and well-being of their own demographic for the purposes of profit.

-An individual who espouses views that traditional adversaries of their own race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation or identity, gender, or other cultural disposition, agree with and react by in some way compensating the individual either directly or indirectly.

- An individual who seeks profit by compromising their own demographic, specifically using media and networking.

Etymological/Cultural note: "Trash Panda" is a linguistic reference to a raccoon, due to the observation that raccoons invade trash containers looking for food, and they are somewhat 'panda' like. "Trash Panderer" was deliberately constructed to reflect a racial epithet that is currently being used by people of the Black community to describe black people who espouse an anti-black narrative for profit.

-"Candy Orrins is a straight coon ho!"
"Yeah, that trash-pandering b*tch is pulling down cash by stomping on us."

- "Mike Massaw, black man turned white-trash panderer..."

- "He's telling homophobes that gay men are child molesters. That makes him a hypocrite and a trash-panderer."

- "Conservatives love a trash panderer to come along and tell them they're 'Totally Not Racist™', they love hearing a black woman tell them that."

by BsBuzzsaw August 16, 2020

Trash Guac

That guacamole which is a remnant of a meal, offered to one without a meal.

Dusty: That Mexican (food) looks mighty tasty.

Matt: Indeed. You can have the trash guac when I’m done.

Dusty: Much obliged.

by dustyDictionary August 11, 2018

Foster Trash

disparaging + offensive;

1. A derogatory social slur to underprivileged children, young adults, and those who have been in, either previously or presently, the Foster Care System and/or under direct control and supervision of Child Protective Services or similar state ran agencies .

2. A demeaning slur meant to disparage + belittle + tear down others who are considered less prominent then the self-entitled, high class who interpret their blessings as a way to deem themselves better, or above others around them.

1). They were adopted, maybe one day they will be more then just foster trash.
2). that piece of foster trash would not give me a discount on my tires, they should adopt some respect.
3) my ex-girlfriend's family are the founders of Discount Tire, I was not allowed to be a part of the family because to them I was nothing more than foster trash, and I was stupid for ever thinking I had a chance with someone so far out of my league.

by Foster Trash April 17, 2022

Trash compacting

The art of swooping in and stealing someones Kill in Halo or any other Online Shooters.

i.e Dropping an enemy's shield and then having the trash compactor finish him off getting all the credit.

Dude stop trash compacting me and get your own kill.

by doctor lollypop January 14, 2011

Hash trash

A person who overuses hash tags

Kara: My morning activity.....practicing my spring break packing! My friends "claim" we are packing in CARRY-ONS ONLY, for 10 days! I am a terrible OVER PACKER and I am freaking out! But I am determined to make it work! #carryonsaretiny #overpacker #ineedtimetopractice #imfuckingannoying #willisurvive #imissrachael #staytuned #bestcoachswifeever #53daysandcounting #Mexicoherewecome #

Staff: Why do we still follow Kara on Twitter? She is hash trash.

by etownmayor February 12, 2019

Tugboat Trash

The crew of a tugboat as thought by management.

Just look at those tugboat trash milking the clock.

by Captain Slappy July 11, 2008