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A poindexter fuck that makes shit jokes and loves pugs.

"Hey Trent, do you want to do some work?"

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, pugs!"

by hanglider47 September 6, 2022


So hot, even lesbians want him

*Trent Turns 18*
Lesbian Teacher: Trent… I heard you’re legal now *wink* *wink*

by Papa 1890 August 1, 2022


usually a very short male. thinks he is good at basketball but usually not. can be caring and nice but not very athletic. usuallly rich and could be hot when they grow older

trent is cool

by kittykiller110809 January 11, 2022


A sweet caring person who is a really great partner. But on the inside is a really hot dude who enjoys cock and ball torture, likes head, and likes to shove things down his penis.

Bertha-Hey Sam how's it goin'?
Sam- it's going great! I justed meet a total Trent!
Bertha- omg I'm so jelly!

by Thick_dick_daddy September 11, 2022


A Trent is a word referring to a really white black person

Tyrone is such a Trent he only dates white girls.”

by Mulu5 November 21, 2023


Name for the guy that's dating the girl you just made out with in the bathroom at the bar. He knows and he's not mad, just disappointed.

"Hey guys, sorry I disappeared last night. Got stuck talking to a total Trent and couldn't get away."

by Moxpox January 4, 2021


He is friends with kaleigh Maggie Xavier Tessa Ryan chandler brooklyn or anyone on bus one.

I love Trent.

by SlimWHITEboi October 4, 2019