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trying too hard

when one tries too hard to please another by displaying all of their knowledge which they think will compensate for their lack of emotional connection

hugo is trying too hard all the time with everyone tbh

by imnotemojustedgy July 31, 2017

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Sports Try Hard

Sports Try Hard - A person who goes balls to the wall during sports exhibitions,friendlies or scrimmages. A Sports Try Hard completely disregards the etiquette of a friendly game. This person competes at an embarrassing level no matter the circumstance.

While at a pick up game 30-year-old Bob ran circles around the young kids. Never giving tge youngsteers a chance he bull rushes his way through the kids scoring a goal and celebrating as if he won game seven of the finals. Young Billy simply looked at him and said "what a Sports Try Hard douche".

by TryHardSomewhereElse February 24, 2018

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Try-hard random

Someone who tries to be funny random, but ends up soundin like a dickhead

Random person- Peanut butter:D
try-hard random: JELLY!
(criket noise...paper cup drops, *cough*)

by *WiCkeD* March 22, 2005

9๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

try hard asian

A try hard asian is a asian person who trys to hang out with Australians in australia but doesnt know that the Aussies dont like them. A try hard asian only makes conversation by putting down other people or by making stupid/random comments that are stupid though while the try hard asian is trying to be cool.

try hard asian: You sucked yesterday playing touch rugby
Myself: what are you talking about?
try hard asian: Um no one passed to you yesterday when you were playing touch rugby so you suck
myself: Uh i didnt play touch yesterday
try hard asian: yeh well you still suck if you did

by anonoonnononoymous November 17, 2009

45๐Ÿ‘ 100๐Ÿ‘Ž

Trying too hard

See gif

The definition of "trying too hard" is Kamala Harris.

by ChreesWright7 October 16, 2019

9๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

we were trying to

Attempting to do something

I told her we were trying to find the cess dealer,but couldnt

by xLoCaL June 17, 2003

7๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Try The Chicken

An expression meant make others feel excluded on an inside joke.

Person 1, "Try the chicken"
Person 2, "Ha"
Person 3, "I don't get it!"

by ComatosePhill June 7, 2011

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