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cody vision

When you blind as fuck

You blind you have cody vision

by Ethanc7878 May 30, 2017

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clout vision

When you predict that something which isn't popular will become poplular

I knew Mr Beast would become popular bro, I got clout vision

by CyberLag December 27, 2019

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pervipheral vision

Checking out someone out of the corner of your eye so as to avoid staring, suspicion or the wrath of your significant other.

Kelly: "Check out the booty on that babe!"
Darren: "Already got her in my pervipheral vision".

by drdigg August 21, 2013

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Asian Vision

Note: This is not racist. I AM Asian.

n. The theory how Asians have wider and thinner eyes, thus limiting their vision, but widening it at the same time. It has been suggested normal eyes can see more than Asians, and this is still under study at the current time.

I can't see it because I have Asian Vision!

I can watch stuff in wide screen because of my Asian Vision!

by Defiant Blob February 11, 2010

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Clear vision

The state of mind after a man/woman has reached orgasm while masturbating or having sex. It's those couple of seconds/minutes when the person actually thinks logically and without any bias from the sex drive he/she normally has.

- So did you bang that girl/guy last light in the end?
- No, I went to the bathroom and jerked off that day. Then I had a CLEAR VISION and thought that I shouldn't cheat on my girlfriend.


I really want to try sex without condoms, so I did, but just before I came I had a CLEAR VISION and pulled out as fast as I could. I'm glad that happened, I could have got her pregnant.

by likeasamboodee September 28, 2016

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A Person who is Dominant in Basically Every Situation.(2) The Sickest Kat to Ever Touch a Keyboard,Period.

Words Affiliated with X-Vision are "Living-Legend".

by Anonymous November 2, 2003

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Double Vision

The delusion that you've got company.

Shit! Sitting on the internet for 14 hours or drinking all that alcohol has given me double vision. It gives me the impression of company but clearly i'm delusional.

by Schizo Bubble August 19, 2008

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