A friend who is only around when they need you.
Bill is a fair-weather friend because he only comes over when I have weed.
1194👍 432👎
light showers often followed by heavy wind and leaves blowing in the distance and around you that occurs when you get on the courts, just before a showdown is about to take place.
1. You'll know it When you see it.
2. Oh shit, look at this Show-Down Weather, we gotta play a game of tennis right now.
The thermodynamic equilibrium, as average kinetic energy, in the Fahrenheit scale, at which a 250 lb. man can walk one average city block, at the quick pace while producing no observable sweat. This occurs during the colder months in the Northern Hemisphere from September through May. Summer months may produce this effect if the average daily temperature is at or below 68°F.
girl: Wow! It's cold outside today. It only got up to 52°.
fat guy: Awww, ya gotta love Fat Guy Weather. I only need to shower once today.
(Two fat guys then high five each other.)
A comment written in one’s status box (e.g. MySpace, Facebook or other similar social networking web site), or other publicly visible area regarding the weather. Generally, the Internet Weather Report is employed to express one’s satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the day’s temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, and cloud cover (or lack thereof), combined with one’s inability to create a more engaging, meaningful or entertaining status update.
See also, Internet Sigh, State of the Week Address
Examples of Internet Weather Reports, include, but are not limited to:
• “Rain, rain, go away!”
• “I hate the cold!”
• “So sick of this weather,”
• “What a beautiful day!”
a psuedo friend. One who pretneds to be your friend when things are good. Leaves when things go astray or are not quite like they think they should be.
Lucy was only a fair-weather friend.
271👍 95👎
A friend who is only nice to you when it's convenient. Someone who's wishy-washy. Someone who is a "backstabber." Someone who abandons you in certain situations.
Every time you're with Bob, you won't hang out with me. You're such a fair-weather friend.
684👍 272👎
Used as a diversion to a conversation in attempt to change a subject when it gets awkward.
Person 1: Awesome night last night
Person 2: Yeah was heaps fun, especially that part when you fell over on the d floor
Person 1: Hhahahaa yeah how embarrassing, not as bad as you mackin on with that fugly guy
Person 2: Yeah so how about that weather?
19👍 3👎