A tangy mix of tomato juice, orange juice, lime juice, soda, and water.
Barkeep: "What'll it be today?"
Customer: "I'll have a Bloody Driver. Blend it well with some ice."
Your going down on a girl while she has a yeast infection while she's on her period, and you chew on her vaginal lips like lasagne noodles. Feta cheese.
Bloody lasagne, Dolphin, rusty pelican
When a postmodern artist uses their own blood or the blood of animals as paint to draw the irrational number π, or to take part in a pi project as part of a math-and-art exhibition.
An artist from the Philippines told the journalist who interviewed him that his bloody pi paintings, which symbolizes his DNA in art, aren't for sale, but the public could view them at his private gallery.
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Bloody wishbone
When two females join back to back. Then continue to tie their tampon strings together and run in opposite directions. Whichever female gains both tampons gets the wish. I introduce to you, the bloody wishbone.
Me and my best friend synced up, and I asked her to try the bloody wishbone.
Me and my best friend synced up, and I asked her to try the bloody wishbone.
British: The end result of girl-on-top sex while menstruating; most often collecting in the man's navel, but occasionally on his scrotum. Known for its distinct reddish hue and delightful sloshing sound. It has been know to merge with existing duck butter or ass gravy to create decorative sheet paintings for the entire family to enjoy!
"Peppa, don't bother Daddy Pig! He's busy splashing around in the bloody puddle Mommy Pig left on his tummy!"
When yo girl sucking ya dick so hard it start to bleed.
Yoooo I got the best bloody blowey last night.
It's when you have sex with a girl, during her period. The point is your "hero/penis" will go into the cave, do what has to be done, and it will come out all bloody, like if you've killed a dragon.
It's a reference when the knight/hero is going into the cave with the sword to kill the dragon and comes out with a bloody sword.
"Yo bro, yesterday I went to get The bloody sword if you know what I'm sayin'."