1. When you lace a joint with frankincense resin, which is burned at church ceremonies, looks like crack and gets you super high.
2. When you use religion as an excuse for having a pound of weed in your car.
1. I just smoked a Holy Joint and I'm so baked I can't even see straight.
2. Cop: Are you carrying any illegal substances?
Stoner: You wanna fucking arrest me, You'll go to hell. I have the right to smoke a Holy Joint becuase god told me to. Hey! I'm smoking for religious reasons!
Cop: Well, If you just said no I wouldn't try to get a warrent. I won't aresst you if you give me half...
To be running the joint means being the boss, the person in charge, doing great.
F: Carl ended up in jail do you think he's gonna be okay ?
V: Okay ? He's probably gonna be running the joint !
The 'God's Joint' is a joint that combines all variations of cannabis, such as resin on the paper, herbal, bud and solid mixed with baccy, lightly topped with pollen. This joint will supply one with a most joyful high and a very long mong at the end.
Jefferson: S**t that smells good!
Peterson: I know right, try smoking it...
Jefferson: Mhhhmm, what is it?
Peterson: It's God's Joint, man.
Jefferson: Give it here man!
Basically she’s a hoe her pussy smoking like it’s on fire type shit
Me: Ight Vagina Joint I’ll smell you later.
Her: wtf you think ur funny
A grandaddy joint is a marijuana cigarette produced during times of desperation, made of many already-smoked spliff ends or roaches from previous smoking sessions. It is called a grandaddy because it is an old ass decrepit and sour joint reminiscent of the smell of elderly people, these spliffs are particularly difficult to inhale and are almost unenjoyable to smoke.
Grandaddy ingredients may include the following: weed, hash, stale tobacco, dust, keef, dead skin flakes, and any other dirty ashtray contents.
"Man got so fukn low on weed the other night i smoked a grandaddy joint with my grandad, was so stale it almost killed him"
"you know times are tough when you don't even have endies for a grandaddy"
A joint that was tucked between your balls.
Ie when you ride a bus to a subway station to a trolley to get to downtown Toronto , and the motherfucker pulls the joint out from between his balls and offers you a hit!!!
That fat motherfucking Roly poly Leonard tried to give me a ball joint!!
When there is a lit joint in a group of three people or more and no one else can take a hit and the joint is left out in the air for anyone else to claim
I will take it if it’s a flying joint.