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Karen is a middle aged woman on the heavier side. Her love for men and food is strongly equal!

That women is so hungry, but my oh my she stares at the meatloaf and that man like a karen

by Jacklynrisha November 5, 2017

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A dumb bitch with a weird haircut who wants to speak to your manager who who constantly gets mad at skaters who did nothing wrong and won’t wear a mask for five minutes in a supermarket then threatens to sue if she gets the virus

Look at that boomer karen

by Karen the bitch July 25, 2020

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A woman who screams, LET ME SPEAK TO YOUR MANAGER, whilst not wearing a mask and coughing in everyone’s face. Preferably having blonde hair and a comb over.

A saw a Karen in the grocery store.

by Just defining stupid words November 23, 2020

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A Karen is a paradox. She is likened to her counterpart, the beta male, the white night, the hipster. She definitely orders vegan alternatives at every place she eats at, and demands her way almost 99 percent of the time. She is easily offended, as her whole life she was pampered somewhere in the suburbs, and has a God complex.

You can easily discern who is a Karen when the words that were written convict your conscience and you get angry because you cant respond to this message. You see, Karen’s get off to having the last word. Karen’s are quite dumb, but master connivers. They are usually seen dating either a butch lesbian, or and very effeminate male who worships her.

Go ahead, dislike this post, proving herself to be and angry , frustrated Karen.

by Shotcalluhballuh27 June 30, 2021

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This woman is the 44 year old mom of 3 with a bob cut that is popular amongst all the managers of the stores she’s walked in. Is sure to get you in trouble if you do not give her your 110% effort while serving her as if you are her slave. STAY AWAY.

Roses are red, violets are blue, Karen took the kids and wants to speak to your manager too.

by i define things November 16, 2019

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A rude, stupid, 40 yr old white female who has 9 kids and that all play soccer.

Aight, here we go:

Someone from a different country: *speaks a different language*
Karen: d i e

Cashier: Ma'am that will be 43.97, Card or Cash.
Manager: Wut.
Karen: She is a frickin' disgrace.
Manager: Kk
Karen: I am finna go get my facebook girlfriends and come and whoop yo a$$.

Someone: *wears a mask*

Karen: This thing is a Hoax (sumthing fake)
*meanwhile killing thousands of people*

Karen: *has kids*
Also Karen when their kids are a millisecond old: you shall play SOCCER and do FACEBOOK.
KArens r evoling.

by Karens Shall BE GONE September 27, 2020

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She took the fucking kids

β€œGod fucking dammit Karen, why the fuck did you leave with the kids last night in the Volvo I bought for you while I was sleeping?!”

by Big Chungus 69 January 2, 2019

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