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An Archie bird

An adorable birbo who loves fruit 🍇 🍓 🍊 🍏

He can be awesome at times but often screams ahhhh

Person 1: hey dude I saw an Archie bird today
Person2: WOAHHHH

by I_poop_out_birb_memes November 27, 2019

Weird archie

Archie is a emo guy. Nicki mana killed him so yeah.

weird archie

by heheheheheitsme June 11, 2022

Dirty Archie

When 5 Guys are having a wank In front of each other and nut all over each other.

Person 1: Hey didn't they do a dirty archie?

by YeetusCleetusDetus April 9, 2023

Archie Australian

Archie is a super cute Australian blonde guy. He has a special way of getting you to trust him, he's great to talk to and helps you with your problems. He plays guitar and loves video games. He eats a lot but is skinny as hell. He's a good big brother and a sweet friend. His favourite thing to do is an awkward hehe after flirting. He has problems of his own but he handles them well. His friends are nice and funny. He gets a binder from the Sainsbury's sweet aisle hehe.

Hey Archie Australian wanna go to the Sainsbury's sweet aisle

Hehe nice try bby 😘

by Willowdrift07 December 13, 2021

archie is a spastic

archie but my definition is better than als bc im 20x better than al
used to tell archies that they are retarded and stuopid

Al: "archie is a spastic"

by not ur mom or dad bc they left May 9, 2021