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nothing wrong with that. more meaningful then being gay, and more funner then being straight. you can please everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!

nothing wrong with being bisexual. everyone is in their teenage years

by sebastoin pequot February 7, 2007

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People who are attracted to two or more (but not all) genders.

"Oh, yeah I'm bisexual."

by Bi_bi_bi June 10, 2019

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A person who can go down in someone pants and be happy with what the find AKA: me

jason:Dude I hear karen girl and guy

me:Ok and

jason:She gay
me:No she bisexual dumdass

(If you a like Jason go fuck your self

by {LouΒΆ} April 27, 2020

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Cooper is a disaster bisexual

by uhh yea oh yea October 20, 2020

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ya like everyone. your not gay and ur not straight ur in the middle

bisexual: i like gorls and guys

by LizTheWeirdo September 3, 2020

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When someone is usually straight but is gay for Billie Eilish.

Even the most extreme straight people usually can’t resist Billie.

Β« I love Billie so much, she makes me bisexual. Β»

by Lyalya April 29, 2019

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Liking both genders without feeling awkward and think both genders are hot/sexy/cute

Dude, I'm Bisexual and I like both her him sooo much.

by Lee Kebum XD April 1, 2017

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